Page 244 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 244

Command Center DEDCC3                             Cross-Over Delay Box DEDCO2
           The Command Center com-                            The CO-2
          bines the functions of a delay                    has the same
          box, RPM-activated switch and                     features as
          two separate 4-stage timers                       the RTD-7,
          into a single unit. Unit also                     but allows the
          features four different delay                     racer to leave
          modes including “cross talk”,                     off opponent’s
          “crossover”, “interface” and                      light instead of waiting for his light when running against a car
          “run delay”. “Starting line control” provides an adjustable release   with a slower ET. The CO-2 is compatible with 12 and 16 volt
          time to increase throttle prior to launch, while “super start” al-  systems.
          lows activating a starting line controller prior to staging. A lighted
          keypad with raised numbers and lighted LED display help provide   Shift Timer
          easy operation. Compact unit is just 9.12" long x 3.75" tall x 2.13"
          deep for easy mounting. Sold with complete instructions.  DEDST1
                                                              Single stage timer
                                                            activates CO2 or elec-
          Thunder Delay Box DEDT1                           tric shifters by time
           New, billet encased de-                          instead of RPM for more
          lay box features a 250%                           consistency. Compact,
          larger display for easier                         easily mounted timer is
          viewing, day or night.                            adjustable from 0-9.99
          Compact, 6-7/8" wide                              and may be activated with release of the trans-brake or line lock.
          x 4" tall x 1-1/2" thick
          unit includes a lighted
          keypad and display with scroll and cursor keys for quick, easy   RPM Switch DEDRPM2
          setting. Select from four different delay modes including cross-  Unit uses electronic ignition to
          talk, crossover, interface and delay. Box additionally has skip up/  sense RPM for activation of shift
          skip down, remote dial-in board output, independent line lock   lights, shifters and other devices.
          output, adjustable transbrake lockout, crossover compensation,   Built-in delay prevents unwanted
          trip protection, and pro/full tree features. NHRA/IHRA approved for   shifts due to tire spin or converter
          all “box” classes.                                flash. Push button thumbwheels
                                                            select shift points in 100 RPM
                                                            increments to 9,900.
          Lightning Delay Boxes
           Made of billet aluminum,
          multi-function delay boxes                        Remote Display DEDRD1
          have modes for crossover,                           Equally suited
          interface, delay and crosstalk.                   to dragsters or
          Starting line control with adjustable             doorslammers,
          time release, “super start” automatic             Remote Display
          starting line control, two four-stage timers, lighted keypad,   displays dial-in in
          adjustable transbrake lockout, scroll-up or -down, remote display   super bright, 4"
          dial-in board output, lateness timer and cross-over compensation   tall LED read out,
          are among the many other features. NHRA approved units are   putting an end to
          compatible with 12 or 16 volt systems and virtually any ignition.   incorrect dial-ins. Lightweight, clear anodized aluminum housed
          Lightning Plus unit includes all of the features of the standard   unit uses a “no glare” lens, while the built-in sun sensor adjusts
          Lightning but, is slightly larger with a 250% larger display.   brightness and automatically dims the display at night. Requires
                                                            a signal from Command Center (CC3), Bracket Master (BM2) or
           Part No.               Description
            DEDL1        Lightning Delay Box, 3" x 6" Dashboard Cutout  Manual Control (MC1) to display dial-in.
            DEDL2     Lightning Plus Delay Box, 3" x 7-1/2" Dashboard Cutout
                                                            Multiple Relay Center DEDMRC1
          Reaction Time Delay Box DEDRTD7                     Multiple Relay Center
           The RTD-7 Reaction                               features individually
          Time Delay works with all                         fused relays with LED's
          ignition systems includ-                          for both inputs and
          ing magnetos, is 12 and                           outputs, easing trouble-
          16 volt compatible and                            shooting. Unit simplifies
          requires no batteries. Four                       the wiring of relays for
          push-button thumbwheels                           nitrous systems, fuel
          allow selection of any                            pumps, water pumps, fans, etc. Four relays are ganged together
          delay up to 9.999 seconds. A full 12 volts are supplied to the trans   to power up to four stages of nitrous, while a separate relay is
          brake, with no voltage drop through the delay box. The 30 Amp   isolated.
          capability will easily handle any trans-brake manufactured.

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