Page 306 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 306
Pro Series Race Muffl ers FLO13016100 40 Series Race Muffl ers
Pro Series, Laminar Flow muffl ers offer substantial sound Compact muffl ers offer substantial
reductions and have proven very effective in racing applications. sound reduction from open headers
Muffl ers are constructed from durable, long-lasting stainless steel with no performance penalty
and include centered inlet/outlet confi guration. Part No. Description
Part No. Description 4" Thick x 9.75" Wide, 13.00" Case Length,
FLO13016100 6" Dia. x 16.00" Case Length, 3" Inlet/Outlet Centered Inlet/Centered Outlet
FLO13516100 6" Dia. x 16.00" Case Length, 3-1/2" Inlet/Outlet FLO8435409 3-1/2" In/Out
FLO13016101* 6" Dia. x 16.00" Case Length, 3" Inlet/Outlet 6" Thick x 12" Wide, 14.00" Case Length,
FLO13516101* 6" Dia. x 16.00" Case Length, 3-1/2" Inlet/Outlet Centered Inlet/Centered Outlet
FLO14020100 9" Dia. x 20.00" Case Length, 4" Inlet/Outlet FLO965040-12 5" In/Out
FLO15020100 9" Dia. x 20.00" Case Length, 5" Inlet/Outlet * 409 stainless steel construction
* Muffler includes buit-In turn down Notes: Dimensions are subject to change without notice. Race cars using
methanol for fuel require specially-built mufflers. To order add “-ALC” after
Delta-Force Series Race Muffl ers the part number. These are special order only and there is an additional
Born and bred on the race track, Delta-Force Race Muffl ers charge.
represent the ultimate in high-tech exhaust technology. Rugged
cases are 16 gauge thickness and are MIG welded. Muffl ers fea- Super 40 Series
ture all-steel construction with precisely placed defl ectors which Race Muffl ers
split noise without horsepower reduction. Ideal for race applications with up to
3" diameter (single or dual) exhaust that
10 Series Race Muffl ers FLO325108 requires substantial sound control, yet
Where only minimal sound reduction is without a performance penalty. FLO952445
desired, one chamber muffl ers are ideal where Part No. Description
space and weight is the primary concern
5" Thick x 10" Wide, 13.50" Case Length,
Part No. Description Centered Inlet/Centered Outlet
3" Thick x 8" Wide, 5.50" Case Length, FLO952445 2-1/4" In/Out
Centered Inlet/Centered Outlet FLO952545 2-1/2" In/Out
FLO325108 2-1/2" In/Out, 11-1/2" Total Length FLO953045 3" In/Out
4" Thick x 9.75" Wide, 6.25" Case Length, 5" Thick x 10" Wide, 13.50" Case Length,
Centered Inlet/Centered Outlet Offset Inlet/Centered Outlet
FLO9430109 3" In/Out, 12-1/4" Total Length FLO952446 2-1/4" In/Out
FLO9435109 3-1/2" In/Out, 12-1/4" Total Length
4" Thick x 9.75" Wide, 10.00" Case Length, FLO952546 2-1/2" In/Out
Offset Inlet/Centered Outlet FLO953046 3" In/Out
FLO9430119 3" In/Out, 16" Total Length 5" Thick x 10" Wide, 13.50" Case Length,
5" Thick x 12" Wide, 6.50" Case Length, Centered Inlet/Offset Outlet
Centered Inlet/Centered Outlet FLO952447 2-1/4" In/Out
FLO954010-12 4" In/Out, 13-1/2" Total Length FLO952547 2-1/2" In/Out
FLO953047 3" In/Out
Super 10 Series 409S Race Muffl ers 5" Thick x 10" Wide, 13.50" Case Length,
Offset Inlet/Offset Outlet
Similar in design to the original 10 Series, FLO952448 2-1/4" In/Out
but constructed from durable, long-lasting FLO952548 2-1/2" In/Out
409 stainless steel. Single chamber muf- FLO953048 3" In/Out
fl ers, which are extremely compact and 5" Thick x 10" Wide, 13.50" Case Length,
lightweight, offer minimal sound restriction. Offset Inlet/Offset Outlet
FLO952549* 2-1/2" In/Out
Part No. Description
4.25” Thick x 9.75” Wide, 6.50” Case Length FLO953049* 3" In/Out
Offset Inlet/Centered Outlet * Inlet and outlet are on same side
FLO842516 2-1/2” In/Out, 12-1/2” Total Length
4” Thick x 9.5” Wide, 6.50” Case Length
Offset Inlet/Offset Outlet Super 40 Series 409S Race Muffl er
FLO842518 2-1/2” In/Out, 12-1/2” Total Length FLO853046
Identical in design to the high perfor-
30 Series Race Muffl ers FLO54030-12 mance 40 series, yet manufactured
The quietest race muffl ers, providing from premium 409 stainless steel.
maximum sound control to even high Muffl er, which has an offset 3” diam-
horsepower applications eter inlet and centered 3” diameter
Part No. Description outlet, has a 5” thick x 10” wide body,
5" Thick x 12" Wide, 14.00" Case Length, 13-1/2” case length and 19-1/2”
Centered Inlet/Centered Outlet overall length.
FLO54030-12 4" In/Out, 20" Total Length
5" Thick x 12" Wide, 17.00" Case Length,
Offset Inlet/Centered Outlet
FLO53531-12 3" In/Out, 23" Total Length
FLO54031-12 4" In/Out, 23" Total Length