Page 351 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 351

140 GPH “Black”                                    Universal In-Tank Retrofi t Fuel Modules
                 Electric Fuel Pump HLY12-815-1                      Kit allows converting an existing fuel
                  Fuel pump is suitable for street/strip and        tank or cell to an in-tank EFI fuel sys-
                 produces 140 GPH of free fl ow. Tumble-             tem complete with a Hydramat. Fuel
                 polished pump provides constant fuel fl ow          modules, which have the ability to sup-
                 through rotor/vane design which is less sensi-     port up to 875 EFI horsepower or up to
                 tive to contaminated fuels. Pump has 3/8"NPT       1,100 carbureted horsepower, install
                 inlet and outlet ports and weighs just 3 lbs. Requires HLY12-704   with basic hand tools. Billet
                 fuel pressure regulator.                           aluminum assembly installs
                                                                    into any tank from 7.5”-12”
                                                                    deep and the low profi le
                 Billet Base HP Series Electric Fuel Pumps          design protrudes just 1.275” above the tank mounting surface.
                  Pumps feature black, Tefl on coated and hard an-   Unit may be rotated a full 360° for eased wiring and plumbing.
                 odized billet aluminum bases, and reliable, chrome   Offered for return or returnless style fuel systems.
                 plated 12V motors. Gerotor pumps are offered                                     Return   Returnless
                 in 125 GPH and 150 GPH versions and include                   Description        Part No.  Part No.
                 3/8" NPT inlet and outlet ports. The 125 GPH unit    In-Tank Fuel Module, 255 LPH, Up To 550 EFI   HLY12-130  HLY12-131
                 provides suffi cient fl ow for engines with up to 700          HP/700 Carb HP
                 horsepower. The 150 GPH unit delivers enough fuel    In-Tank Fuel Module, 450 LPH, Up To 875 EFI   HLY12-132  HLY12-133
                 for applications with up to 900 horsepower. Pumps           HP/1,100 Carb HP
                 require a fuel pressure regulator.
                                                                    VR Series Brushless Fuel Pumps
                   Part No.          Description
                  HLY12-125  125 GPH Billet Base HP Electric Fuel Pump  With Controller
                  HLY12-150  150 GPH Billet Base HP Electric Fuel Pump
                                                                     Versatile fuel pumps combine
                                                                    brushless technology with a
                                                                    twin screw rotor design to
                 In-Line Electric Fuel Pumps                        deliver high pressure and high
                  Engineered for fuel injected engines, high output   fl ow, while maintaining low
                 pumps are mounted in-line, rather than inside the   amperage draw. Billet alumi-
                 fuel tank, for easy installation. Ideal for serious   num, continuous duty pumps,
                 performance.                                       which may be submerged
                                                                    in the tank or chassis mounted, are compatible with gasoline,
                   Part No.               Description
                  HLY12-920      480 PPH @ 15 PSI, Electric In-Line Fuel Pump  methanol or E85. Capable of 130 PSI and up to 335 GPH of fl ow,
                  HLY12-927      258 PPH @ 15 PSI, Electric In-Line Fuel Pump  pumps include two-step controller, which controls pump speed.
                  HLY12-930    190 LPH @ 40 PSI, Electric In-Line Fuel Pump   NEW!  Pumps feature -10 ORB inlet/outlet ports.
                  HLY12-940    330 LPH @ 40 PSI, Electric In-Line Fuel Pump   NEW!
                                                                      Part No.               Description
                                                                                VR1 Brushless Fuel Pump With Controller, Supports 2,150 EFI
                 HP In-Line Billet Electric Fuel Pumps               HLY12-1500             HP/2,400 Carb HP
                  Versatile enough for carbureted or fuel in-        HLY12-3000-2  VR2 Brushless Fuel Pump With Controller, Supports 4,400 EFI
                 jected street or race vehicles, HP In-Line                                 HP/4,800 Carb HP
                 gerotor type pumps are light, quiet,
                 durable and are compatible with                    VR Series Fuel Pressure Regulators
                 gasoline or diesel fuels. Use with                  Designed for use with VR
                 up to 18.5 volt charging systems.                  Series fuel pumps, CNC-
                 Pump is 7-1/2" long x 3" wide x                    machined billet aluminum regulators are capable
                 2-3/4" tall and weighs just 3.1 lbs. Fully submersible.   of supporting up to 3,000 horsepower. Regulators,
                   Part No.               Description               offered in 2- or 4-port versions for carbureted or
                  HLY12-800  HP In-Line Fuel Pump, Up To 700 EFI HP/Up To 900 Carb HP  EFI applications, include -10AN ORB inlet/outlet
                  HLY12-890  HP In-Line Fuel Pump, Up To 900 EFI HP/Up To 1,050 Carb HP  and return ports, and an 1/8” NPT gauge port.
                                                                    Compatible with gasoline, methanol or E85.
                 Dominator In-Line Billet Electric Fuel Pumps        Part No.               Description
                  Ideal for street nitrous or forced induction systems,   HLY12-851  2-Port EFI Regulator, 40-100 PSI, Boost Reference 1:1
                 one pump can be used for cruising and two can       HLY12-852   2-Port Carb Regulator, 4-9 PSI, Boost Reference 1:1
                 be used for nitrous activation or as boost          HLY12-864   4-Port EFI Regulator, 40-100 PSI, Boost Reference 1:1
                                                                                 4-Port Carb Regulator, 4-9 PSI, Boost Reference 1:1
                 begins to build. Staging the second pump
                 eliminates recirculating and elevated fuel         VR Series Fuel Filter HLY162-575
                 temperatures. Wire both pumps for full
                 time, race-only use with carburetors or fuel        Precision CNC-machined from billet 6061-T6
                 injections. Compatible with up to 18.5 volt        aluminum, fi lter is 8-3/4” long x 2” diameter
                 charging systems. Pump is 7-1/2" long x 5" wide    and includes -12AN inlet/outlet ports.
                 x 2-1/2" tall. Fully submersible.                  Designed for use as a post fi lter
                                                                    (after pump) in EFI applications,
                   Part No.               Description
                  HLY12-1600      Up To 1,600 EFI HP/Up To 1,800 Carb HP  fi lter uses a 10 micron element.
                 HLY12-1600-2   Up To 1,600 EFI HP/Up To 1,800 Carb HP, Dual Inlet
                  HLY12-1800      Up To 1,800 EFI HP/Up To 2,100 Carb HP

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