Page 354 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 354

Terminator EFI                                     Dominator EFI
           Terminator EFI
          is not only easy
          to install and
          tune, but works
          equally well
          on street/strip                                                                           HLY554-114
          applications with 250-600                                         HLY554-113
          horsepower. Perfect when replacing
          a carburetor, throttle body, EFI system requires no lap top   An EFI system so versatile, it can be used with a wide range of
          for tuning or installation and includes an easy-to-use hand-held   engine applications, from street to high-end racing. Dominator EFI
          tuner. Trouble-free system self-tunes instantly, providing the per-  is virtually unlimited with the capability of controlling any power
          fect air/fuel mixture for optimized performance. System fi ts any   adder, including turbocharged, nitrous-injected or water-methanol
          square fl ange, 4150 intake manifold, and is sold complete with   injection. System includes a multitude of inputs and outputs to
          choice of Tumble Polished or Hard Core Gray 950 CFM TBI unit,   serve as it’s own data acquisition and control module. Each sys-
          ECU, 3.5” touchscreen, wiring harness and necessary sensors.   tem is sold “build to order”, requiring an ECU, wide band oxygen
          Master Kit includes the addition of a complete fuel system; in-line   sensor, main wiring harness, injector wiring harness, main power
          fuel pump, fuel fi lters, fuel pressure regulator, hose and related   harness, ignition adapter harness and add-on accessories as
          hardware. Systems with transmission controller are for use with   desired.
          GM 4L60E or 4L80E transmissions.                     Part No.               Description
                                     Polished   Hard Core Gray  ECU
                  Description         Part No.    Part No.    HLY554-113              HP ECU Only
             Terminator EFI 4BBL TBI System  HLY550-405  HLY550-406  HLY554-114     Dominator ECU Only
            Terminator EFI 4BBL TBI Master Kit  HLY550-405K  HLY550-406K  HLY558-308  Main Power Harness
            Terminator EFI 4BBL TBI System, With   HLY550-407  HLY550-408  Main Harnesses
                  Trans. Control                              HLY558-102             LS1/LS6 Harness
                                                              HLY558-103            LS2/LS3/LS7 Harness
                                                              HLY558-104           Universal MPFI Harness
          Sniper EFI                                          HLY558-105         Unterminated Universal Harness
           Easy to use, affordable                           Injector Harnesses
          and capable of supporting                           HLY558-200    V8 Over Manifold, Jetronic/Bosch Style Connector
                                                                                LSX, USCAR/“EV6” Style Connector
          up to 650 HP (4 injector                           Ignition Harnesses
          version) or 1,250 HP (8                             HLY558-303             Magnetic Pickup
          injector version), Sniper EFI                       HLY558-304            GM HEI, Small Cap
          bolts directly to any 4150                          HLY558-305               Ford TFI
          fl anged intake manifold and                        Auxiliary Harnesses Connector J1A/B Inputs/Outputs For HP & Dominator
          includes just four wiring                           HLY558-401            J2A Auxiliary Harness
          connections. Calibration                            HLY558-402            J2B Auxiliary Harness
          Wizard helps create a base map and then self-tunes, eliminating   HLY558-405  GM 4L60E/4L80E Harness
          the need for a laptop. Offered in shiny, black ceramic or classic   HLY558-408  J2A, J2B, J3, J4 Connectors & Pins Only Kit
          gold fi nish, Base kit includes throttle body, color touchscreen,   HLY558-406  GM Drive-By-Wire Harness, J3 Connector
          sensors and necessary hardware. Master kit includes the addition
          of an in-line fuel pump, fuel fi lters, hose and related hardware.
                                                             Oxygen Sensor Bung HLY534-49
                            Shiny     Black Ceramic  Classic Gold  Required for oxygen sensor installation.
              Description   Part No.   Part No.    Part No.
            Sniper EFI Base Kit  HLY550-510  HLY550-511  HLY550-516
           Sniper EFI Master Kit  HLY550-510K  HLY550-511K  HLY550-516K  Replacement Sensors For EFI Systems
          HP EFI ECU And Harness Kits
           A plug and play alternative             HLY550-601
          for stock or modifi ed late
          model EFI engines, the HP EFI                                             HLY554-107
          ECU and harness kits allow                                                           HLY554-108
                                                              Part No.
          accurately controlling fuel and                    HLY554-100          NTK Wideband Oxygen Sensor
          ignition with added controls                       HLY554-101       LSU4 Bosch Wideband Oxygen Sensor
          for nitrous, boost or water/                       HLY554-102        100 PSI Stainless Pressure Sensor
          methanol. Sold complete with                       HLY554-107   3-Bar MAP Forced Induction, Up To 29.4 PSI Of Boost
          ECU, main harness, injec-                          HLY554-108  5-Bar MAP Stainless Inducer, Forced Induction, Up To 60 PSI Of Boost
          tor harness and necessary
          sensors.                                           Transbrake Input
            Part No.               Description               Protection Module HLY554-128
           HLY550-601   GM TPI And Holley Stealth Ram, Includes HEI Adapter  Special wiring harness allows an
           HLY550-602*        GM LS1/LS6, 24x Crank Sensor   ECU input to be safely connected
                                GM LS2/LS3/LS7, USCAR
           HLY550-603*                                       to the 12-volt positive side of the
                       (EV6 Style) Injection Harness Connector, 58x Crank Sensor
           HLY550-604   Universal V8 MPFI, Requires Ignition Adapter Harness  transbrake solenoid, protecting the
           HLY550-605         Unterminated Universal Harness  ECU from fl yback voltage when the
          * Uses OEM coil harnesses.                         transbrake is released.
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