Page 353 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 353

Billet Cap And Bung                                4-Barrel Multi-Point Systems
                 Assemblies                                         Avenger EFI Engine
                  Black anodized,                                   Management Systems
                 billet aluminum                                     Ready for the street or strip with the swap
                 cap and bung assemblues are                        of an intake manifold, multi-point systems are
                 ideal for custom fuel cells, valve                 compatible with stock, crate or custom built Chevy engines. The
                 covers, oil tanks, etc. Bolt-on ver-               system’s self tuning capability eases tuning using the hand-held
                 sions include stainless hardware.                  tuner (included). The system includes a single plane intake mani-
                        Part No.               Description          fold, billet throttle body, ECU, wiring harness, fuel rails, injectors,
                       HLY241-226       Fuel Cell Cap And Bung, 6-Bolt Flange  fuel pump and hardware.
                       HLY241-227       Fuel Cell Cap And Bung, 12-Bolt Flange
                       HLY241-228    Fill Cap And Aluminum Weld Bung, 1.38” Opening  Part No.  Description
                       HLY241-229     Fill Cap And Steel Weld Bung, 1.38” Opening  HLY550-811  Small Block Chevy, 36 Lb. Injectors, Up To 500 HP
                       HLY241-230      Fill Cap And Aluminum Bung, 4-Bolt Flange  HLY550-831  Big Block Chevy/Rect. Port Heads, 48 Lb. Injectors, Up To 650 HP
                                                                     HLY550-836  Big Block Chevy/Oval Port Heads, 48 Lb. Injectors, Up To 650 HP
                 GM LS Retro-Fit Oil Pan Kits                                  ™
                  Premium, cast aluminum oil pans are               Terminator  Stealth 4bbl Throttle Body EFI Kit
                 specifi cally designed when retro-                   Looks like a carburetor, performs
                 fi tting a popular                                  like fuel injection.  4150 4bbl.
                 GM LS engine                                       square mounting fl ange, available in
                 into 1955-87 GM                                    polished  or hard core gray™ fi nish
                 muscle/classic/                                    and able to support 650 HP.  Self
                 truck chassis.                                     tuning ECU eliminates need for lap
                 Pan offers OEM                                     top and 3.5" full color touch screen
                 fi tment of oil fi lter                              makes installation/tuning simple and
                 mounting, oil                                      quick.  Additional features include timing
                 cooler provision,                                  control option for GM small cap HEI and
                 etc., while providing maximum clearance for vehicles where the   Ford TFI distributors along with connections for Ford, GM TH350
                 steering linkage is behind the crossmember, such as early “F”   and 700R4 transmission.  Available in master kit version which
                 or “X” body. Kit is sold complete with oil pan, pick-up tube and   includes fuel pump, fi lters, 40' of hose and all necessary fi ttings.
                 necessary hardware.                                        Part No.               Description
                                                                          HLY550-440              EFI LKit, Shinny
                   Part No.               Description
                                                                          HLY550-440K           EFI Master Kit, Shinny
                   HLY302-1            GM LS Retro-Fit Oil Pan
                                                                          HLY550-441           EFI Kit, Hard Core Gray ™
                                       GM LS Retro-Fit Oil Pan,
                   HLY302-2*                                              HLY550-441K        EFI Master Kit, Hard Core Gray ™
                              Improved Clearance For 1967-69 “F” And 1969-74 “X” Body
                 Accessory Component
                   HLY302-11  GM LS Retro-Fit Oil Pan Baffle Kit, Bolt-In For HLY302-2  NEW!  EFI Camshaft Sync System For Belt Drive Kits
                 * HLY302-2 pan is approximately 1/4" shallower in the front and has a   The kit will provide a plug and play
                 shallower, but longer sump when compared to HLY302-1.  cam position signal to Holley EFI
                                                                    systems as well any EFI system that
                 Hydramat                                           reads a digital square wave cam
                  Holley’s           HLY16-107                      input signal. The bracket assembly
                 Hydramat                           HLY16-106       allows for mounting in a variety of
                 reservoir   HLY16-108                              locations. This system is designed
                 system is                                          for use with Jesel and similar
                 designed to                                        external, dry timing belt, cam drive
                 reduce fuel                                        systems. The components in the kit
                 starvation              HLY16-103                  include a 3-wire Hall Effect sensor,
                 issues pres-                           HLY16-100   a billet aluminum bracket, mounting
                 ent in hard                                        hardware, a mating connector, and a stainless steel fl ying magnet
                 acceleration,                                      screw.
                 stopping, inclines, cornering and low fuel conditions. Designed   Part No.    Description
                 for fl at bottom cells or gas tanks that do not have a drag racing   HLY556-114  Big Block Chevy, Standard Cam Height
                 sump and need fuel control and supply without baffl ing to prevent   HLY556-119  Small Block Chevy, Standard Cam Height
                 fuel starvation. All Hydramats have female NPT fi ttings and do not
                 require sealers or tape.                           Throttle Position Sensor Kit HLY534-202
                   Part No.               Description                Install the new Holley TPS kit and make
                   HLY16-100    Hydramat 15” x 15” Cross, 3/8” NPT Center Pick-up  it work with modern electronic overdrive
                   HLY16-102    Hydramat 15” x 8” Cross, 3/8” NPT Center Pick-up  transmissions like the 4L60E and 4L80E.
                   HLY16-103     Hydramat 8” x 8” Cross, 3/8” NPT Center Pick-up  The sensor supplies the needed signal
                   HLY16-104    Hydramat 11” x 11” Cross, 3/8” NPT Center Pick-up
                   HLY16-105   Hydramat 15” x 3” Rectangle, 3/8” NPT Center Pick-up  to an electronic transmission and a car-
                   HLY16-106   Hydramat 11” x 11” Square, 1/2” NPT Center Pick-up  buretor. It drives off the primary throttle
                   HLY16-107    Hydramat 15” x 15” Square, ½” NPT Center Pick-up  shaft for accurate voltage readings. All
                   HLY16-108   Hydramat 8” x 3” Rectangle, 3/8” NPT Center Pick-up  installation hardware and an instruction
                                                                    guide are included.

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