Page 391 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 391
AccuSet II Computerscales Spark Plug Viewer LON52-50884
New, improved AccuSet Specialized spark plug viewer allows
II Computerscales feature close examination of spark plugs to ob-
a slanted display for easier tain correct jetting. Durable and compact,
reading. Simple to set-up viewer offers 10X magnifi cation and is
and use; push a single button sold complete with batteries.
for all four wheel weights
and cross weight, and push a Deluxe Tire Pressure Gauges
second button for all partial per- Deluxe gauges incorporate large, 2-1/2"
centages. Sold complete with satin fi nished LMF (Liquid Metal diameter glow-in-the-dark dial faces for
Forging) scale pads, heavy duty red HiFlex cables with billet AN quick, easy gauge reading. An internal gauge
connectors, and heavy duty silver carrying case. Covered by a damper helps provide accurate, consistent
2-year limited warranty. readings. Each gauge includes high fl ow air
Part No. Description release button and 17" long, ultra fl exible
LON52-72582 12" x 12" Scale Pads, 1,100 Lbs. Capacity hose with swivel chuck.
LON52-72593 15" x 15" Scale Pads, 1,500 Lbs. Capacity
Part No. Description
LON52-52033 0-15 PSI, Dual Bleed
Toe-In Bar LON52-79622 LON52-52023 0-30 PSI
One person can LON52-52003 0-60 PSI
perform toe measure- Magnum Tire Pressure Gauges
ments more quickly
and easily. Similar Huge, 3-1/2" diameter glow-in-the-
to Longacre #79620, dark dial face allows easy readability.
but this new model requires no An internal gauge damper helps provide
scribe line and measures to the outside of accurate, consistent readings. Packed in
the tire. Slide the rod against the tire and measure toe to within a foam-lined silver case, gauge includes
1/16". Toe-in bar is constructed from billet aluminum and fea- dual, high fl ow release buttons and 17"
tures small wheels, allowing it to easily slide underneath the car. long hose with swivel chuck.
Suitable for use on wide track cars including Corvettes, etc. Part No. Description
LON52-52031 0-15 PSI
LON52-52021 0-30 PSI
Infrared Laser Pyrometers LON52-50612 LON52-52001 0-60 PSI
Ideal for checking track, tire and exhaust header Pro Digital Tire Pressure Gauges
temperatures. Laser-sighted pyrometer responds in-
stantly to non-contact temperatures. Units are back Top-of-the-line gauges combine superior
lighted and hold readings longer for easier use. accuracy and exceptional readability. Reads
to .3% accuracy with a wide temperature
Part No. Description
LON52-50612 Up To 600°F operating range. Auto-Off feature helps
extend battery life. Fitted with rubber gauge
bumper, 17" long hose and swivel chuck.
Sold in a foam-lined silver storage case.
Engine Leakdown Tester Part No. Description
LON52-73010 LON52-53000 0-60 PSI, With Angle And Ball Chuck
0-25 PSI, With Dual Bleed Buttons
Verify piston ring, head gasket LON52-53010 0-125 PSI, With Angle And Ball Chuck
and valve condition. Easy-to-use
tool includes fi tting and hose as- Ultimate Digital Tire Pressure Gauge
sembly to test most engines. LON52-53053
Extra large, 3-1/2” diameter tire pressure gauge
Engine Compression Tester is engineered to provide accuracy to .1% and
.1 PSI. Digital gauge, which reads 0-60 PSI in .1
Determine cylinder condition quickly PSI increments, displays current and four stored
without the need for compressed air. pressure readings. Three air pressure release
buttons allow quicker settings. Gauge includes
Gauge reads 0-300 PSI.
HiFlex hose, swivel angle chuck, ball chuck and
lined storage case.
Oil Filter Cutter
LON52-77750 Tire Tape LON52-50870
Rigidly constructed billet Tape is 1/4" wide x 10' long.
aluminum, easy-to-use
tool quickly cuts open oil Protecto 180 Roll Bar Padding
fi lters for inspection to spot LON52-65692
potential engine problems. Easier to install in cramped cockpits,
medium density roll bar padding includes a 180° design. Flame-
retardant based padding secures to 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" dia. roll bars
with wire ties or tape. Sold in 36" lengths, black only.