Page 419 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 419

PSO 0WT Motor Oil                                  Performance Break-In Motor Oils
                  PSO is a 100% synthetic, ester-based full          Engineered specifically for the critical
                 race grade oil engineered to provide maximum       break-in process, lubricant includes an
                 horsepower without sacrificing the integrity of     elevated high zinc/phosphorous formula that
                 critical engine components. High zinc/phos-        is blended with pure petroleum base stocks
                 phorous formula delivers reduced wear to           and anti-wear additives. Well suited to flat
                 bearings, camshafts, lifters and crankshafts,      tappet or roller camshaft engines, break-in
                 while helping extend engine life. Sold in 1        oil is perfectly balanced and requires no
                 quart bottles or in cases. Not recommended         other additives. Sold in 1 quart bottles or in
                 for street use.                                    cases. Not recommended for street use.
                    Part No.        Description                             1 Qt.     1 Case    1 Gallon   1 Case
                   MAX39-03901  PSO 0WT, 1 Case (12/1 Qt. Bottles)   Desc.  Bottle  (12/1 Qt. Bottles)  Container  (4/1 Gallon Bottles)
                  MAX39-03901S     PSO 0WT, 1 Quart                 5W-16 MAX39-09901S  MAX39-09901  —       —
                                                                    10W-30 MAX39-10901S  MAX39-10901  —      —
                                                                    15W-50 MAX39-11901S  MAX39-11901  MAX39-119128S  MAX39-119128
                 RS Series Motor Oils
                  Full, 100% synthetic triple ester race-grade      Syn Racing ATF
                 oil incorporates an industry leading additive
                 system that provides both maximum perfor-           High performance, automatic transmission
                 mance and increased protection. Advanced           racing fluid is a fully synthetic formula with
                 formula uses special anti-wear/extreme             anti-wear and extreme pressure additives
                 pressure additives to provide superior engine      that is designed to perform under high
                 protection, even under extreme loads and           stress/high load, racing conditions. Fluid
                 peak temperatures. Sold in 1 quart bottles or      uses a no slip formula that delivers clean,
                 in cases. Not recommended for street use.          crisp shifts, while reducing clutch drag and
                                                                    friction. Sold in 1 quart bottles or in cases.
                          1 Qt.    1 Case    1 Gallon    1 Case
                  Desc.  Bottle  (12/1 Qt. Bottles)  Container  (4/1 Gallon Bottles  1 Qt.  1 Case
                  0W-10 MAX39-13901S  MAX39-13901  —      —          Description  Bottle  (12/1 Qt. Bottles)
                  0W-20 MAX39-14901S  MAX39-14901  —      —            20W     MAX49-01901S  MAX49-01901
                  5W-20 MAX39-04901S  MAX39-04901  —      —            30W     MAX49-02901S  MAX49-02901
                  5W-30 MAX39-91901S  MAX39-91901  MAX39-919128S  MAX39-919128
                 10W-30 MAX39-01901S  MAX39-01901  MAX39-019128S  MAX39-019128  Pro Gear
                 10W-40 MAX39-16901S  MAX39-16901  MAX39-169128S  MAX39-169128  Full synthetic, ester-based gear oil has been
                 15W-50 MAX39-32901S  MAX39-32901  MAX39-329128S  MAX39-329128  specially formulated to deliver superior per-
                                                                    formance and protection. Lubricant includes
                 Semi-Syn Motor Oils                                regenerative polymers to help resist shearing,
                  High performance oil is a complex blend           breakdown and viscosity loss. Recom-
                 of highly refined base stocks and a complex         mended for use in front or rear differentials,
                 blend of synthetic esters that protects critical   manual transmissions and other applications
                 engine components beyond conventional oils.        requiring an API GL-5 gear oil. Sold in 1 quart
                 Semi-Syn is a fully formulated race oil that       bottles or in cases.
                 is compatible with petroleum or synthetic                      1 Gallon     1 Case
                 engine oils. High zinc/phosphorous formula is       Description  Container  (4/1 Gallon Containers)
                 ideal for use in flat tappet or roller camshaft       75W-90  MAX49-449128S  MAX49-449128
                 engines. Sold in 1 quart bottles or in cases.       75W-140  MAX49-45901S  MAX49-45901
                                                                      250W   MAX49-479128S  MAX49-479128
                         1 Qt.     1 Case     1 Gallon   1 Case
                  Desc.  Bottle  (12/1 Qt. Bottles)  Container  (4/1 Gallon Bottles)
                 10W-40 MAX39-34901BS MAX39-34901B MAX39-349128BS  MAX39-349128B  Performance Gear Oil
                 20W-50 MAX39-35901BS MAX39-35901B  —      —         Petroleum based gear oil uses high quality,
                                                                    ultra-pure base oils to deliver maximum
                 Performance Motor Oils                             performance and protection. Lubricant resists
                  High performance petroleum oil is for-            shearing, mechanical breakdown and loss of
                 mulated using a technologically advanced           viscosity. Recommended in any differential
                 additive package that is combined with a           where an API GL-5 gear oil is specified. Sold
                 blend of highly refined petroleum base stocks.      in 1 gallon containers or in cases.
                 Lubricant resists mechanical break-down and                   1 Gallon     1 Case
                 viscosity loss, while reducing wear on lifters,    Description  Container  (4/1 Gallon Containers)
                 cams and bearings. High zinc/phosphorous            85W-140  MAX49-429128S  MAX49-429128
                 formula is ideal for use in flat tappet or roller
                 camshaft engines. Sold in 1 quart bottles or       Assembly Lube
                 in cases.
                                                                     Specially formulated to protect highly loaded
                                   1 Qt.             1 Case         engine components during engine assembly and the
                   Description     Bottle         (12/1 Qt. Bottles)  break-in period. Sold in 4 oz. bottles, or in cases.
                    10W-30      MAX39-33901S        MAX39-33901
                    10W-40      MAX39-34901S        MAX39-34901                     4 Oz.      1 Case
                    20W-50      MAX39-35901S        MAX39-35901       Description  Bottle   (12/4 Oz. Bottles)
                                                                     Assembly Lube  MAX69-01904S  MAX69-01904

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