Page 426 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 426
True Start Chassis Components-Cont.
Performance Starters Meziere manufactures a complete line of components for the
True Start starters have chassis builder.
billet main bodies, 9310
hardened gears and per- Threaded Tube Ends
manent magnet motors to 4130 chrome moly threaded tube ends
outperform traditional gear are a quick and easy method for putting
reduction units. Offered in threads in tubing (available with right or left-
heavy duty inline and super hand threads). Use large tube ends for ladder bars or four links,
heavy duty, offset versions. medium tube ends work great on wheelie bars and front suspen-
Inline unit uses a 1.9kw sions, and small tube ends are ideal for linkages and many types
motor; offset starter has an of mount setups. Hundreds of other uses.
extra powerful 2.2kw motor. Multiple bolt pattern flanges provide Tube Thread RH Thread LH Thread
maximum oil pan and header clearance. Size Size Part No. Part No.
Part No. Description 3/8" x .058" 10-32 MEZRE1009AAA MEZRE1009AAAL
MEZTS106 Chrysler, 130T, Standard Drive 1/2" x .058" 5/16"-24 MEZRE1010A MEZRE1010AL
MEZTS300* Chevrolet 1.9kw Inline Starter, 168T 1/2" x .058" 1/4"-28 MEZRE1010AA MEZRE1010AAL
MEZTS306 Chrysler, 130T, 300 Series 5/8" x .058" 5/16"-24 MEZRE1011A MEZRE1011AL
MEZTS400 Chevrolet 2.2kw Offset Starter, 168T 5/8" x .058" 3/8"-24 MEZRE1011B MEZRE1011BL
MEZTS400DP Chevrolet, 153/168T, Dual Pattern Mounting 3/4" x .058" 5/16"-24 MEZRE1012A MEZRE1012AL
MEZTS406H Chrysler, For 168T/12 Pitch Chevy Flexplate, Super Duty Drive 3/4" x .058" 3/8"-24 MEZRE1012B MEZRE1012BL
MEZTS409 Small/Big Block Ford, 164-Tooth, Adjustable Mount 3/4" x .058" 7/16"-20 MEZRE1012C MEZRE1012CL
MEZTS400DSD Chevrolet, 153/168T, Dual Pattern, Driver’s Side Mounting 3/4" x .065" 3/8"-24 MEZRE1013B MEZRE1013BL
MEZTST400 Chevrolet, 139T 3/4" x .065" 7/16"-20 MEZRE1013C MEZRE1013CL
Accessories/Replacement Components
MEZSS037 Solenoid, 400/500 Series Starters, 12/16-Volt 7/8" x .058" 3/8"-24 MEZRE1014B MEZRE1014BL
MEZSS139 Starter Drive, 400/500 Series Starters, 12-Pitch/11-Tooth Starters 7/8" x .058" 7/16"-20 MEZRE1014C MEZRE1014CL
MEZSS140 Starter Drive, 400/500 Series Starters (exc TS586), 10-Pitch/9-Tooth 7/8" x .058" 1/2"-20 MEZRE1014D MEZRE1014DL
Starters 1" x .058" 3/8"-24 MEZRE1017B MEZRE1017BL
MEZSS193 Solenoid, 400/500 Series Starters, 24-Volt 1" x .058" 7/16"-20 MEZRE1017C MEZRE1017CL
MEZWIK400 Starter Relay Kit, Ensures Proper Power Supply To Starter 1" x .058" 1/2"-20 MEZRE1017D MEZRE1017DL
* Starter will not clear oil pans with passenger side kick-out.
1" x .058" 5/8"-18 MEZRE1017E MEZRE1017EL
1" x .065" 3/8"-24 MEZRE1018B MEZRE1018BL
1" x .065" 7/16"-20 MEZRE1018C MEZRE1018CL
True Billet Flexplates 1" x .065" 1/2"-20 MEZRE1018D MEZRE1018DL
Flexplates are CNC-machined from a 1" x .065" 5/8"-18 MEZRE1018E MEZRE1018EL
single piece of billet 4340 steel to meet 1" x .083" 1/2"-20 MEZRE1019D —
stringent SFI specifications. Plates are 1" x .083" 5/18"-18 MEZRE1019E MEZRE1019EL
drilled for multiple converter bolt pat- 1" x .095" 1/2"-20 MEZRE1020D MEZRE1020DL
terns and include NHRA/IHRA sticker. 1" x .095" 5/8"-18 MEZRE1020E MEZRE1020EL
1-1/8" x .058" 1/2"-20 MEZRE1125D MEZRE1125DL
Internal Balance External Balance
Description Part No. Part No. 1-1/8" x .083" 1/2"-20 MEZRE1021D MEZRE1021DL
Chevrolet, 168-Tooth MEZFP300 — 1-1/8" x .083" 5/8"-18 MEZRE1021E MEZRE1021EL
Chevrolet, 153-Tooth MEZFP301 — 1-1/8" x .083" 3/4"-16 MEZRE1021F MEZRE1021FL
Chevrolet, 168-Tooth, For 6-Lug Converter MEZFPS006** — 1-1/8" x .095" 3/4"-16 MEZRE1022F MEZRE1022FL
Chevrolet, 136-Tooth, High Horsepower MEZFPS091† — 1-1/4" x .058" 1/2"-20 MEZRE1124D MEZRE1124DL
Chevy Gen. III LS1, 168-Tooth MEZFP319 — 1-1/4" x .058" 5/8"-18 MEZRE1124E MEZRE1124EL
Chrysler 8-Bolt, 426 Hemi, 168-Tooth MEZFP306168 — 1-1/4" x .065" 5/8"-18 MEZRE1023E MEZRE1023EL
Chrysler 8-Bolt, 426 Hemi, MEZFPS020 — 1-1/4" x .065" 3/4"-16 MEZRE1023F MEZRE1023FL
168-Tooth, Extreme HD
1-1/4" x .095" 5/8"-18 MEZRE1024E MEZRE1024EL*
Small Block Ford, 157-Tooth MEZFP311 —
1-1/4" x .095" 3/4"-16 MEZRE1024F MEZRE1024FL*
Small Block Ford, 164-Tooth MEZFP312 MEZFP312A*
1-1/4" x .120" 5/8"-18 MEZRE1025E MEZRE1025EL*
Big Block Ford 429-460 MEZFP308 — 1-1/4" x .120" 3/4"-16 MEZRE1025F MEZRE1025FL*
GM 3800 V6, 142-Tooth — MEZFP340A
1-3/8" x .095" 5/8"-18 MEZRE1026E MEZRE1026EL*
* Small block Ford externally balanced flexplate with a 28 oz. in. weight. 1-3/8" x .095" 3/4"-16 MEZRE1026F MEZRE1026FL*
** Flexplate has 6 x 10.75” converter bolt pattern. † Flexplate is a Pro Mod 1-3/8" x .120" 3/4"-16 MEZRE1028F MEZRE1028FL
design, drilled for 1/2” crankshaft bolts.
1-1/2" x .120" 3/4"-16 MEZRE1030F MEZRE1030FL
1-1/2" x .120" 7/8"-14 MEZRE1030G MEZRE1030GL
1-3/4" x .120" 1"-12 MEZRE1036H —
* Left-hand version made from hex-shaped material