Page 516 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 516
Typhoon Intake Manifolds Powerfire VI Capacitive Discharge Ignition
Satin finished, dual plane alumi- PRP36010
num manifolds improve low end Powerful, capacitive discharge ignition
performance, but also increase offers improved acceleration and
horsepower similar to a single increased throttle response. CD
plane manifold. Compatible with unit incorporates advanced digital
Holley, Carter AFB or Edelbrock technology that provides 1/4° timing
square bore carburetors. accuracy up to 10,000 RPM, while
Part No. Description RPM Range delivering over 530 volts and up to 135
PRP52021 SB Chevy, 1957-95 1500-6500 millijoules of spark energy. Built-in digital rev limiter and digital
PRP54001 SB Ford 260-302 1500-6500 dual step rev control, fully adjustable using easily accessible ro-
PRP54023 SB Ford 351W Idle-6800 tary dials, offer increased engine protection. Manufactured in the
USA, ignition is plug and play with all distributors, and compatible
with 4-, 6- or 8-cylinder engines.
Crosswind Intake Manifolds
The intake runner design of the
Typhoon includes an open area Powerfire I Ready-To-Run Distributor
under the plenum to lower the air/ Innovative Powerfire I electronic distributor features
fuel temperature for increased an external knob that allows performing precise
horsepower. Natural finish, dual timing adjustments in 1/2° increments with
plane manifolds accept Holley, the engine running. Precision CNC-machined
Carter, AFB or Edelbrock square distributor, which provide accurate ignition timing
bore carbs. up to 10,000 RPM's, is assembled using a hardened
steel, .500" diameter shaft, upper roller bearing, black
Part No. Description RPM Range
PRP52026 SB Chevy 283-400, 1957-95 1500-6500 anodized base with laser etched timing marks, mag-
netic pickup and injection molded cap. Simple, three-
PRP52028 SB Chevy, Vortec Cylinder Heads 1500-6500
wire install with no external ignition box needed.
PRP53026 BB Chevy 396-454, Oval Ports 1500-6500
PRP54026 SB Ford 260-302 1500-6500 Part No. Description
PRP30000 Chevy 262-454 V8
PRP55026 SB Chrysler 318-360, Including Magnum 1500-6500 PRP30001 SB Ford 289-302
Hurricane Intake Manifolds PowerForce+Plus Harmonic Dampers
High flow, single plane intake High performance harmonic dampers are manu-
manifolds, with four corner water factured from durable 1045 steel and use an elasto-
ports, improve horsepower and mer to secure the outer ring to the crankshaft hub.
torque in the mid and upper RPM Dampers meet stringent SFI 18.1 specifications and
ranges. Compatible with Holley, include engraved timing marks, semi-gloss, black
Carter AFB and Edelbrock carbu- painted finish and bright red anodized ring.
retors. Natural finish. Part No. Description Balance Dia. Wt. Lbs.
Part No. Description RPM Range PRP90000 Small Block Chevy 283-350 Internal 6-3/4" 9.3
PRP52031 SB Chevy 283-400, 23° Cylinder Heads 3000-7500 PRP90001 Small Block Chevy 400 External 6-3/4" 8.4
PRP90002 Small Block Chevy 350 Internal 8" 12.2
PRP52033 SB Chevy 305-350, Vortec Cylinder Heads 3000-7500 PRP90003 Small Block Chevy 400 External 8" 12.9
PRP53031 BB Chevy 396-454, Rectangular Ports 3000-7500 PRP90004 Big Block Chevy 396-427 Internal 8" 14.5
PRP53035 BB Chevy 396-454, Rect. Ports, 4500 Dominator Flange 3000-7500 PRP90005 Big Block Chevy 454 External 8" 15.5
PRP90006 Small Block Ford (Early), 28.4 Oz. Imbalance External 6.4" 10.25
PRP53037 BB Chevy 396-454, Oval Ports 3000-7500 PRP90007 † Small Block Ford (Late), 50 Oz. Imbalance External 6.4" 11.0
PRP54031 SB Ford 260-302 3500-8000 PRP90008 Big Block Ford 429-460 Internal 6.7" 9.6
PRP54033 SB Ford 351W 3500-7500 PRP90009 Big Block Ford “FE” 352-428 Internal 7.5" 12.3
PRP90010 Small Block Chevy 350, Lightweight Internal 6" 5.7
PRP90011 Ford Modular 4.6L Internal 6.8" 7.1
Typhoon EFI Intake Manifolds PRP90012 ‡ Small Block Chrysler 318-360 Int./Ext. 7.3" 9.0
Aluminum intake manifolds provide PRP90013 ‡ Big Block Chrysler 383-440 Int./Ext. 7.3" 8.7
improved horsepower and torque. The PRP90014 Chrysler 5.7L Hemi External 6.8" 7.2
Pontiac 326-455
removable access panels allow custom PRP90020 Oldsmobile 350-455 Internal 6.9" 10.0
porting. Bolt-on manifolds are satin fin- PRP90030 Small Block Chevy 350 LT-1, Serpentine Internal 7.5" 13.7
ished and fully compatible with the stock GM LS1 5.7L, 1998-04 Camaro/Firebird,
engine accessories. PRP90032 Serpentine Internal 7.5" 14.4
GM LS1/LS6 5.7L, 1997-04 Corvette,
Part No. Description PRP54061 RPM Range PRP90033 Internal 7.5" 13.2
PRP52061 GM 5.7L LS1, 1997-04 1500-6500 Small Block Ford, Lightweight, (Early), 28.4
PRP52063 GM 6.0L LS2, 2005-Up 1500-6500 PRP90045 Oz. In. External 6.4" 8.2
PRP54021* SB Ford 5.0L, 1986-95 1500-6500 PRP90046 Small Block Ford, Lightweight, (Late), 50 Oz. In. External 6.4" 8.8
PRP54061 Ford 4.6L 2V Modular, 1999-04 1500-6500 † Requires PRP81007 .95" thick spacer for installation.
* When installing on 1994-1995 models, PRP54151 adapter kit is required. ‡ Internal balance, but includes bolt-on counterweights for externally
balanced engines.