Page 515 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 515
Denso Style Pro Series Drag Racing
Race Prepped Alternators Alternator Kits PWM8-896
Powermaster’s smallest (93mm) and lightest Eliminate low voltage problems
(5-3/4 lbs.) alternators feature high output to weight ratios, deliv- with a Pro Series drag racing al-
ering up to 75 amps. Ideal for low amperage requirements, alter- ternator. Kit includes 50 or 100 amp
nators include a true, one-wire hook-up and are offered in 12- or one wire alternator with heat dispersant
16-volt versions. All mounting points are precision machined for coating, hard coated deep groove alternator
precise belt alignment and correct fi t with Powermaster alterna- and crankshaft pulleys with V-belt, and pre-assembled bracket
tor brackets. Gold battery posts add conductivity, while low drag, kit. Choose snug mount for door cars or low mount, which mounts
high speed bearings increase effi ciency. Alternators are offered on left or right side of engine, for dragsters or altereds.
with natural fi nish or special black, heat dispersant coating. Pul- Part No. Description Part No. Description
ley must be purchased separately. 50 Amp Kits 100 Amp Kits
PWM8-875 SB Chevy, Snug Mt. Kit PWM8-881 SB Chevy, Snug Mt. Kit
Part No. Description
PWM8142 Denso 12/16-Volt 150 Amp Alternator, Black PWM8-880 BB Chevy, Snug Mt. Kit PWM8-882 BB Chevy, Snug Mt. Kit
PWM8162 Denso 12-Volt, 55 Amp Alternator, Black PWM8-896 SB Chevy, Low Mt. Kit PWM8-898 SB Chevy, Low Mt. Kit
BB Chevy, Low Mt. Kit
BB Chevy, Low Mt. Kit
PWM8166 Denso 16-Volt, 55 Amp Alternator, Black
PWM8172 Denso 12-Volt, 55 Amp Alternator, Natural
PWM8182 Denso 12 Volt 75 Amp Alternator, Black
XS Volt Denso Style 93mm Alternator Mounting Brackets
Race Prepped Alternator PWM8188 Constructed from precision CNC-machined
Race prepped, Denso style alternator billet aluminum, brackets are offered to
utilize the XS Volt feature, an innovative securely mount alternators. Sold complete
user adjustable voltage control system with necessary hardware.
that allows compatibility with 12-, 14- or Part No. Description
16-volt electrical systems. Voltage may be PWM775 BB Chevy, Low Mount, Right Or Left Side, Accepts 8132, 8142 Or 8152
adjusted from 13.5-18.5 volts, performed Alternators
simply via an adjustment screw. Alternator PWM860 GM LS1, 1998-02 Camaro/Firebird, Low Mount, Left Side, w/Electric Water
offers 75 amps of power, yet weighs just 6.7 Pump
lbs. Gold battery posts add conductivity, while low PWM880 BB Chevy, Snug Mount, Right Or Left Side, Accepts 8162 Alternator
SB Chevy, 1969-87 Cars (exc. Corvette), Mid Mount, SWP Only
drag, high speed bearings increase effi ciency. Alternator works
well with lithium batteries that require low voltage set points.
Finished with special, black heat dispersant coating. Pulley must Alternator Pulleys
be purchased separately. Billet aluminum, single-groove V-
belt pulleys include deep grooves for
XS Volt Denso Style 110mm maximum belt retention. Larger diam-
Race Prepped Alternator eter pulleys reduce alternator speed for
PWM8138 increased horsepower. Pulleys have a
17mm shaft bore and include a 17mm
High output, Denso style race alternator de- to 15mm reducer bushing to fi t most
livers up to 100 amp and incorporates user alternators.
adjustable XS Volt feature, allowing compat- Part No. Description
ibility with 12-, 14- or 16-volt systems. Volt- PWM181 2.80" O.D.
age may be adjusted from 13.5-18.5 volts, PWM182 4.00" O.D.
performed simply via an adjustment screw. PWM183 5.25" O.D.
Unit offers great output to weight ratio, weighing just 8 lbs. Gold
battery posts add conductivity, while low drag, high speed bear-
ings increase effi ciency. Alternator works well with lithium batter-
ies that require low voltage set points. Finished with special, heat
dispersant coating. Pulley must be purchased separately. XS Volt Unique Voltage Control System
The XS Volt is a powerful internal voltage regulating system
GM CS121 Style that is suited to a wide variety of high performance applications.
Race Prepped Alternators Alternators with this feature offer true one-wire operation and full
High output, GM CS121 style alterna- digital control. Regulator response time occurs in milliseconds
tors feature a high output to weight ratio, rather than in seconds as with traditional analog regulators. The
user adjustable voltage feature allows voltage set points between
weighing just 9 lbs. Alternators may be 13.5-18.5 volts, allowing full compatibility with 12-, 14- or 16-volt
used as single or three wire hook-up, electrical systems. Denso style alternators allow increasing volt-
include gold battery posts for maximum age by simply turning the adjustment screw counter-clockwise,
conductivity and low drag, high speed while GM/Delco units require clockwise rotation. The adjustment
bearings. Alternators, which include a screw is simply turned in the opposite direction if it is desired to
6.14" mounting pattern, are offered with natural fi nish or special decrease voltage. The XS Volt feature is also ideal for lithium bat-
black, heat dispersant coating. Pulley must be purchased sepa- tery applications that require low voltage set points.
rately (unless specifi ed).
Part No. Description
PWM8060* GM CS121 12-Volt, 75 Amp Alternator, Natural
PWM8062 GM CS121 12-Volt, 100 Amp Alternator, Black
* Includes V-belt pulley.