Page 510 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 510
Freeze Plug Kits SFI-Certified Flexplates
Skin packaged cards contain all freeze and pipe plugs neces- Flexplates are constructed from
sary for a short block. Available in steel or brass. heavy duty, .130" thick steel and
Steel Brass include ring gears that are double-
Application Part No. Part No. welded for maximum strength.
AMC 290-401 PIOPE117 PIOPE117B Flexplates are dichromate finished
BB Buick 400-455 PIOPE119 PIOPE119B for corrosion resistance and affixed
SB Chevy 262-350 PIOPE100 PIOPE100B
SB Chevy 400 PIOPE101 PIOPE101B with SFI sticker for NHRA/IHRA
BB Chevy 396-454 PIOPE102 PIOPE102B inspection.
BB Chevy 454, Gen. V PIOPE275 PIOPE275B Part No. Description
GM LS Series PIOPE-496 PIOPE-496-B PIO871001 Chevrolet, 168 Tooth, Internal Balance, 2-Pc. Rear Seal
SB Chrysler 273-360 PIOPE113 PIOPE113B PIO871011 Chevrolet, 168 Tooth, Internal Balance
BB Chrysler 383-440 PIOPE114 PIOPE114B PIO871012 Chevrolet, 153 Tooth, Internal Balance
SB Ford 289-351W PIOPE108 PIOPE108B
Ford 351C, 351M-400 PIOPE109 PIOPE109B SFI-Certified Balancer
BB Ford 390-428 “FE” PIOPE110 PIOPE110B
BB Ford 429-460 PIOPE125 PIOPE125B For SB Chevy PIO872021
Oldsmobile 260-455 PIOPE124 PIOPE124B
Pontiac 326-455 PIOPE115 PIOPE115B Engineered for internally balanced small
block Chevy, balancer combines a preci-
sion, CNC-machined 1045 steel center that
Aerosol Engine Enamels has been bonded to a heavy duty steel
Engine enamels dry quickly to a tough, inertia ring that includes easy-to-read
durable finish resistant to blistering and computer-etched timing marks. Balancer
peeling. features a 6.25" O.D., weighs just 6 lbs.
Part No. Description and is affixed with SFI sticker.
PIOT-10-A Chevy Orange
PIOT-17-A Ford Dark Blue Ground
PIOT-26-A Universal Black Shipment
PIOT-54-A Flat Black Only
PIOT-58-A Cast Iron Gray
PIOT-61-A Lo-Gloss Black
SFI-Approved Harmonic Balancers
Powerbond balancers are manufactured using a crank hub bonded to the outer ring with durable rubber to prevent
the outer ring from spinning or separating. Balancers meet SFI 18.1 specifications.
Part No. Application Dia. Wt. Balance Standard Part No. Application Dia. Wt. Balance
Chevy Chrysler
PBBPB1046-SS SB Chevy 283-350 8" 11.2 Lbs. Internal PBBPB1004-SS SB Chrysler 318-340 7.11" 9.4 Lbs. Internal
PBBPB1050-SS SB Chevy 400 8" 10.6 Lbs. External PBBPB1108-SS SB Chrysler 360 7.26" 9.4 Lbs. External
PBBPB1118-SS SB Chevy 400, Lightweight 7" 8.1 Lbs. External PBBPB1112-SS BB Chrysler 440 7.24" 9.4 Lbs. Internal
PBBPB1160-SS SB Chevy 283-307, BB Crank Snout 6.1" 8.5 Lbs. Internal Ford
PBBPB2221-SS SB Chevy 283-350 6.75" 8.1 Lbs. Internal PBBPB1060-SS SB Ford 302-351W, 4-Bolt, 6.5" 11.4 Lbs. External
SB Chevy 5.7L LT1 Raised Pulley, 28 oz. imbalance
PBBPB1481-SS* 6.75" 8.37 Lbs. Internal
Camaro/Firebird, Serpentine PBBPB1084-SS SB Ford 302 EFI, 1982-95, 6.4" 10.9 Lbs. External
PBBPB1012-SS SB Chevy 283-307, Lightweight 6.1" 5.5 Lbs. Internal 4-Bolt, 50 oz. imbalance
GM LS1 5.7L SB Ford 302-351W,
PBBPB1480-SS 7.5" 11.2 Lbs. Internal PBBPB1086-SS 6.37" 8 Lbs. Internal
Camaro/Firebird, Serpentine 4-Bolt, Lightweight
GM LS1, SB Ford 302-351W,
PBBPBU1480-SS10 6.81" 10.9 Lbs. Internal PBBPB1479-SS 5.9" 5.9 Lbs. Internal
Serpentine Drive, 10% Underdrive 3-Bolt, Lightweight
GM LS1, PBBPB1082-SS Ford 302-351W, 351C 6.5" 10.9 Lbs. External
PBBPBU1480-SS25 6.22" 10.7 Lbs. Internal
Serpentine Drive, 25% Underdrive Ford 4.6L Modular,
PBBPB1117-SS GM LS1 5.7L Corvette, Serpentine 7.5" 8.55 Lbs. Internal PBBPB1478-SS Mustang/Crown Victoria 6.75" 7.8 Lbs. Internal
GM LS6 5.7L /LS2 6.0L Corvette, PBBPB1210-SS** BB Ford 429-460 6.62" 9.6 Lbs. Internal
PBBPBU1117-SS25 6.75" 7.61 Lbs. Internal
Serpentine, 25% Underdrive PBBPB1111-SS BB Ford “FE” 332-428 7.0" 8.9 Lbs. Internal
PBBPB1211-SS BB Chevy 396-427 8" 15.4 Lbs. Internal Pontiac
PBBPB1018-SS BB Chevy 454 8" 15.9 Lbs. External PBBPB1056-SS Pontiac 287-455 6.79" 10.4 Lbs. Internal
PBBPB1019-SS BB Chevy 454, Lightweight 7" 9 Lbs. Internal ** May only be used on externally balanced 460 with factory winged
* Requires crank flange (PBBFHL1481-SS for Caprice/Impala or counterweights.
PBBFHS1481-SS for Camaro/Firebird).