Page 509 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 509

Drag F/X Drag Racing Tires
                  Born from original Firehawk technology, Phoenix Drag F/X Drag Racing Tires are race
                 bred. Drag race F/X rear slicks listed below include medium, F9 rubber compound for the
                 ultimate in traction and longevity.
                 Note: All Phoenix racing tires are specially designed and compounded for competition racing. They
                 are not intended for normal street or highway use.
                             Tire           Rim  Section   Tread   Tire
                   Part No.  Size   Compound Width  Width  Dia.  Width  Weight  Circum.
                  Drag F/X Front Runners
                  PHOPH183  4.5/24.5-15  N/A  4.0"  7.0"  25.5"  5.2"  11 Lbs.  80"
                  PHOPH180  4.5/26.0-15  N/A  4.0"  7.0"  26.7"  5.2"  12 Lbs.  84"
                  Drag F/X Rear
                  PHOPH377  9.00/28.5-15  F9  8.0"  12.5"  28.6"  8.9"  25 Lbs.  90"
                  PHOPH380  10.5/28.5-15  F9  10.0"  13.0"  28.6"  10.6"  26 Lbs.  90"
                  PHOPH374  10.5/29.5-15  F9  10.0"  13.0"  30.2"  10.8"  28.5 Lbs.  95"
                  PHOPH362  11.5/29.5-15  F9  10.0"  14.0"  30.4"  11.8"  31 Lbs.  95"
                  PHOPH337  12.2/31.25-15W  F9  14.0"  16.5"  31.8"  13.4"  33 Lbs.  100"
                  PHOPH335  14.0/32.0-15  F9  14.0"  17.7"  32.5"  14.2"  34 Lbs.  102"
                  PHOPH367  14.0/32.0-15W  F9  14.0"  18.0"  32.5"  15.6"  40.5 Lbs.  102"
                  PHOPH338  14.5/32.0-15  F9  14.0"  18.2"  33.1"  14.4"  37 Lbs.  103"
                  Drag F/X Rear Radial
                  PHOPH55R  13.6/32.0-15  F9  14.0"  16.5"  32.2"  13.6"  30 Lbs.  101.25"
                  PHOPH56R  14.5/32.0-15  F9  14.0"  18.0"  32.3"  14.9"  31 Lbs.  101.5"

                 MaxProHD Reverse Brake                             V12 Reverse Brake And Clutch Bleeder
                 And Clutch Bleeder                                 PHS2003-B
                 PHS2002HD-B                                         The V12 reverse
                  New and im-                                       brake bleeding sys-
                 proved, the Max-                                   tem is designed for
                 ProHD Reverse                                      light duty profes-
                 Brake Bleeder                                      sional use. Re-
                 allows perform-                                    verse brake
                 ing one-person                                     bleeder
                 brake services.                                    is manu-
                 System func-                                       factured
                 tions by removing                                  from Zytel
                 trapped air in the                                 nylon that
                 brake system by                                    resembles the strength of steel. Rebuildable unit offers a virtual
                 pushing it up and                                  lifetime of use. Sold complete with required tubing, adapters and
                 out the master                                     users manual.
                 cylinder for a firm
                 pedal. Die cast                                    V5 DIY Reverse Brake And Clutch Bleeder
                 steel and aluminum
                 bodied unit features                               PHS2104-B
                 an improved check valve                             Economical, yet powerful re-
                 system and spring tension                          verse brake bleeding system is
                 adjustment, while optimized hydraulic ratios provide smooth   designed for the do-it-yourself-
                 operation with minimal hand force. Sold complete with required   er. System delivers all bleeding
                 tubing, adapters and users manual.                 operations in a small package.
                                                                    Sold complete with required
                                                                    tubing, adapters and user’s

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