Page 507 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 507
Large Diameter Drag Race Dry Sump Oil Tank
Remote Filter Mount Two-piece, 1-1/2 gallon tank is 7" in diameter.
Remote filter mount is CNC Tank includes a single return, two -12AN male
machined from aircraft alu- fittings for an external catch can, a bung for an im-
minum for light weight and mersion oil heater and a billet cap. Tank has been
strength. Mount has two inlet tested and proven to deliver exceptional oil control
and two outlet ports which are with absolutely no blowing. Mounting brackets
-12AN. Mounts include two AN must be purchased separately.
adapter fittings and two solid plugs. Used with Fram HP6 filter. Part No. Description
PTR08-0783 1.5 Gallon Dry Sump Oil Tank
Part No. Description PTR08-0783-CC 1.5 Gallon Dry Sump Oil Tank With Catch Can
1-1/2"-12 Threads PTR08-0102 Mounting Brackets For 7" Dia. Tank, Pair
PTR09-1351 -10AN Fittings
PTR09-1352 -12AN Fittings
Accessory Components
PTR08-0501 -10AN x -12AN Port Fitting
PTR08-0502 -12AN x -12AN Port Fitting Dry Sump Oil Tanks
PTR08-0505 -12AN Port Plug - Solid
PTR15-1010 -12AN Port Plug x 5/8"-18 Temp. Port Peterson’s “New Generation” oil tanks have
internal baffling to aerate the scavenge oil and
Remote Oil Filter Mounts maintain a tall oil column over the pickup. Tanks
Manufactured from billet, 6061-T6 are easily disassembled and tops can be rotated
aluminum for rigidity, remote mounts to ease plumbing. Mounting brackets must be
are offered to accept popular oil filters. purchased separately.
Mounts include -12AN inlet and outlet Part No. Description
ports, and an 1/8" NPT gauge port. Sold PTR08-0004 1.5 Gallon Tank, Dual Scavenge Inlet, 15-1/2" High x 6" Dia.
2 Gallon Tank, Single Scavenge Inlet, 19-1/2" High x 6" Dia.
complete with fittings. 1.5 Gallon Tank, Single Scavenge Inlet, 15-1/2” High x 6” Dia.,
Part No. Description -12AN Male Fittings NEW!
PTR09-1301 Firewall Mount, Accepts 13/16" Thread Chevrolet Filter, -10AN Fittings 2 Gallon Tank, Single Scavenge Inlet, 19-1/2” High x 6” Dia.,
PTR09-1302 Firewall Mount, Accepts 13/16" Thread Chevrolet Filter, -12AN Fittings PTR08-0025 -12AN Male Fittings
PTR09-1312 Firewall Mount, Accepts 3/4" Thread Ford Filter, -12AN Fittings PTR08-0100 Mounting Brackets For 6" Dia. Tank, Pair
PTR08-0110 Replacement O-Ring, 6" Dia. Tank
Remote Filter Mount
With Primer Pump Dry Sump Tank Fittings
Reduce premature engine wear by Anodized aluminum fittings complete the installation of any
priming the engine before starting. Bil- Peterson dry sump tank.
let aluminum, remote filter mount has a Part No. Description
small pump that can provide 20 PSI in as little PTR08-0501 -10AN Hose x -12AN Port
-12AN Hose x -12AN Port
as 10 seconds using a standard 3/8" drill. Remote PTR08-0503 -16AN Hose x -12AN Port
filter mounts are offered to accept 1-1/2"-12 and Chevy 13/16" PTR08-0504 -6AN Port Plug (Tank Drain)
thread oil filters and include AN fittings. Mounting brackets, in PTR08-0505 -12AN Port Plug (Tank Drain)
tube or flange mount versions, must be purchased separately. PTR08-0302
Part No. Description Oil Tank Heat ers
Large Filter Mounts With Primer Preheating oil ensures lubrication on
(Accepts 1-1/2" Thread Oil Filters) initial start-up and increases horsepower.
PTR09-1560 Large Filter Mount, -10AN Fittings, Left Side Primer Inlet
PTR09-1561 Large Filter Mount, -12AN Fittings, Left Side Primer Inlet Im mer sion-style heater only re quires
Small Filter Mounts With Primer weld ing a threaded bung into the tank. Wrap
(Accepts Chevy 13/16" Filters) around styles can be glued to the out side of the tank or pan.
PTR09-1501 Small Filter Mount, -10AN Fittings, Left To Right Part No. Description
PTR09-1502 Small Filter Mount, -12AN Fittings, Left To Right 300 Watt Immersion Style, 110 Volt With Detachable Cord Set,
PTR09-1503 Small Filter Mount, -10AN Fittings, Right To Left PTR08-0300 Steel And Aluminum 1/2" NPT Weld Bungs
PTR09-1504 Small Filter Mount, -12AN Fittings, Right To Left 300 Watt Wrap Around Pad, 2" x 15", 110 Volt With Detachable
Cord Set, Attaches With Hi-Temp RTV Silicone
Remote Filter Mount PTR08-0302 400 Watt Wrap Around Pad, 4" x 10", 110 Volt With Detachable
Mounting Brackets PTR08-0310 Cord Set, Attaches With Hi-Temp RTV Silicone
Replacement Power Cord For PTR08-0300
Brackets fit large dia. Or remote oil 300 Watt Immersion Style, 220 Volt With Detachable Cord Set,
filter mounts. PTR08-1300 Steel And Aluminum 1/2" NPT Weld Bungs
Part No. Description
PTR09-1584 Small Firewall Remote Breather Cans
PTR09-1590 1-1/4" Dia. Tube
PTR09-1592 1-1/2" Dia. Tube PTR09-1590 Spun aluminum breather cans may be used with any
PTR09-1593 1-3/4" Dia. Tube dry sump tank. Two versions available.
PTR09-1594 Large Firewall Part No. Description
Remote Breather Can, (2) -12AN Female Ports And
(1) -6AN Drain Plug
Remote Breather Can, 3" Dia.,
(1) -12AN Male Port And (1) -8AN Male Port