Page 541 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 541
Carburetor Gaskets Billet Fuel Pressure Regulators
Recommended for racing applications, Fuel pressure regulators are precision CNC-
non-stick, fuel bowl and metering block machined from durable billet aluminum and are designed to offer
gaskets are coated with fl uorocarbon. smooth, reliable fuel fl ow. Regulators feature -8AN ORB Ports.
Part No. Description Part No. Description
QFT8-4 Nylon Fuel Bowl Screw Gaskets (8) QFT30-1803 Billet Fuel Pressure Regulator, Boost Reference Fitting
QFT8-25 Power Valve Gasket, Non-Stick, Each QFT30-1900 Billet Bypass Fuel Pressure Regulator
QFT8-134 Fuel Bowl Gaskets, Model 2300, 4150, 4150HP, 4500, 4500HP, Pair
QFT8-134-10 Fuel Bowl Gaskets, Model 2300, 4150, 4150HP, 4500, 4500HP, 10-Pack 2-Port Fuel Pressure Regulator
QFT8-139 Metering Block Gaskets, 2-Circuit HP, QFT, Proform And Holley, Pair QFT30-7025
QFT8-139-10 Metering Block Gaskets, 2-Circuit HP, QFT, Proform And Holley, 10-Pack
QFT8-150 Metering Block Gaskets, 3-Circuit Big Bore Race, QFX, Demon, Holley, Pair Precision, CNC-machined billet
QFT8-167 Needle And Seat Gaskets, Large And Small Nylon, Four aluminum regulator offers smooth, consistent fuel
QFT8-2000 Service Kit, Non-Stick, (5) 8-129, (5) 8-134, Fits Double Pumper Carbs pressure and supports up to 650 HP. Features -10AN
QFT8-2003 Service Kit, Non-Stick, (5) 8-134, (5) 8-136, Fits 4500 3-Circuit Carbs inlet and -8AN outlet ports, and is adjustable from
5-8 PSI. Includes mounting bracket.
Performance Carb Rebuild Kits
Electric Fuel Pumps
Ideal for mild carbureted street/strip applica-
tions, compact fuel pumps are engineered to deliver
smooth, consistent fuel fl ow. Pumps include 3/8” NPT
inlet and outlet ports, and are sold complete with
mounting bracket. Requires a fuel pressure regulator.
Offered in 125 or 155 GPH versions.
Part No. Description
QFT30-125-1 125 GPH Electric Fuel Pump NEW!
QFT30-125-1R 125 GPH Electric Fuel Pump And QFT30-803 Regulator NEW!
QFT30-155 155 GPH Electric Fuel Pump
160 GPH Inline Electric Fuel Pump
Performance rebuild kits include precision die-cut, non-stick Innovative, twin pump design allows
gaskets, ISO-9000 machined needle and seat assemblies, and using a single pump for crusing and both
quality accelerator pump diaphragms. pumps when activating nitrous or building
Part No. Description boost. Billet aluminum pump has the ability
Fits Model 4160 (Secondary Metering Plate) 390-850 CFM Vacuum to support EFI applications with up to 1,600 HP and carbureted
Secondary Carburetors; Road Demon, Road Demon Jr., And Vacuum
QFT3-200 applications with up to 1,800 HP. Pump, which includes -10AN
Secondary Speed Demon. Replaces Holley 37-119, 37-720, 37-754 And ORB ports, may be submersed in-tank, if desired. Requires a fuel
37-1542, And Barry Grant 190003
Fits Model 4150 Double Pumper Carburetors; Proform 750, Mechanical pressure regulator.
QFT3-202 Speed Demon And Mighty Demon. Replaces Holley 37-485 And 37-1544,
And Barry Grant 190004. 175 GPH Electric Fuel Pump QFT30-175
Fits Large Flange Racing Carbs Including 4575, 6464, 7320, 8896, 9375,
QFT3-203 High fl owing, 175 GPH electric fuel pump fl ows
9377, 80186 and 80532. Also Fits King Demon.
Fits Model 4150 Double Pumper Alcohol Carburetors, Alcohol Demon, And enough fuel for a wide variety of sportsman
QFT3-204 QFT “P” And “Q” Series Alcohol Carburetors. drag racing applications. Using an internal
Replaces Barry Grant 190007. bypass design, pump includes a billet
QFT3-2003 Fits Center Squirter Carburetors List 4223 & 4224 aluminum, fully CNC-machined body
Fits Alcohol 4150/4150HP, 750-950 CFM Carburetors Including 9645, and durable electric motor. Pump
9646, and 80498 includes a provision for a fuel pressure
gauge, if desired.
Fuel Pressure Regulators High-Output Pro Series Electric Fuel Pumps
Affordable die cast aluminum regulators High-Output Pro Series Electric Fuel Pumps
are engineered to deliver reliable, consis- use an advanced vane and rotor design that
tent fuel fl ow. Regulators include popular delivers increased fuel volume. DYNA-BLUE
3/8" NPT ports. wear-resistant coating is applied to all internal
components for increased longevity. Billet
Part No. Description
QFT30-803 Fuel Pressure Regulator aluminum construction pumps, which include
QFT30-805 Low Fuel Pressure Regulator, Black, 4.5-9 PSI, Methanol NEW! -10AN inlet/outlet ports and an 1/8" gauge
QFT30-899 Bypass Fuel Pressure Regulator With Jet, Belt-Driven/Mechanical Pumps port, are compatible with all fuels and are fl ow,
QFT30-900 Bypass Fuel Pressure Regulator pressure, and leak tested prior to shipment.
Part No. Description
QFT30-230* 230 GPH @ 7 PSI, Up To 1,200 HP
QFT30-260 260 GPH @ 20 PSI, Up To 1,000 HP
QFT30-300 300 GPH @ 20 PSI, Up To 800 HP
427 GPH High-Output Electric Fuel Pump, 427 GPH @ 20 PSI,
Up To 2,500 HP NEW!
* Includes QFT30-1900 Bypass Regulator.