Page 545 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 545

SB Chevy “Pro Action”                              LS7 “Pro Elite” Aluminum Cylinder Head
                 23° Aluminum Cylinder Head                         RHS54504
                  Top quality,                                      “Pro Elite” cylinder head
                 23° aluminum                                       utilizes .220” raised intake
                 cylinder head                                      ports and fully CNC-ma-
                 has “as cast”                                      chined runners to deliver
                 ports and com-                                     exceptional cylinder head
                 bustion cham-                                      flow. Head, which is cast from
                 bers, bronze                                       355-T6 aluminum, additionally features
                 wall valve guides, competition valve job, and multi-angled intake   CNC-machined combustion chambers, .750”
                 and exhaust seats. “Pro Action” aluminum head is available with   thick decks, reinforced rocker rails and a 6-bolt
                 200, 220 or 235cc intake runners, choice of straight or angled   design that allows compatibility with standard 4-bolt
                 spark plugs and is sold individually as a bare casting. Accepts   or aftermarket, 6-bolt blocks. The 307cc intake runner version is
                 original equipment type components.                engineered for extra large displacement engines. Sold individually
                                        Intake   Comb.   Intake    Exhaust   as bare castings.
                  Part No.  Description  Runner  Chamber  Valve  Valve                         Intake  Intake  Exhaust
                            Straight Plug                            Part No.    Description   Runner  Valve  Valve
                  RHS12054              200cc  64cc  2.020"  1.600"
                            Cylinder Head                            RHS54504  Big Port LS7 Cylinder Head  307cc  2.250”  1.615”
                             Angle Plug
                  RHS12055              200cc  64cc  2.020"  1.600"
                            Cylinder Head
                             Angle Plug                             LS Aluminum Race Block RHS54903U
                  RHS12059              220cc  64cc  2.020"  1.600"
                            Cylinder Head                            The LS Race Block
                             Angle Plug
                  RHS12062              235cc  64cc  2.080"  1.600"  adds the benefits of
                            Cylinder Head                           an extra thick .750"
                                                                    deck surface, raised
                                                                    cam centerline and
                 SB Chevy 23° Aluminum Intake Manifold              priority main bearing
                 RHS12902                                           oiling. Cylinder walls
                  Engineered specifically to port                    are siamese cast with
                 match directly with small block                    press-in cast iron cyl-
                 Chevy “Pro Action” alumi-                          inder liners. Patented,
                 num cylinder heads, single                         Clean Cast Technology
                 plane intake manifold                              provides a superior
                 includes a 4150 flange                              finish. Block includes a 9.240" deck height, 4.125" cylinder bores
                 and isolated runner design                         and allows for up to 4.600" stroke.
                 for improved performance.                             Part No.                Description
                 Manifold, which is well suited for applications with up to 434 cu.   Related Component
                 in., includes auxiliary water ports, internal water crossover and   RHS549202-1  Cam Bearing For LS Race Block, Each
                 dual sided distributor mounting points.
                                                                    SB Ford Aluminum 20° Cylinder Heads
                                                                     The perfect
                 BB Chevy “Pro Action”
                                                                    upgrade for
                 24° Aluminum Cylinder Head RHS11011                289-351W
                  Big block Chevy                                   small block
                 cylinder head                                      Ford. “Pro
                 combines higher                                    Action” heads
                 flow characteris-                                   feature Clean Cast Technology for superior flowing ports right out
                 tics, unmatched                                    of the box, while “Pro Elite” heads have CNC-machined runners
                 quality and superior                               and combustion chambers for maximum performance. Dual bolt
                 engineering. Well suited for                       pattern exhaust allows compatibility with stock manifolds or
                 street/strip or drag race only engines,            headers. Heads require +.100" longer valves. Sold individually as
                 the “as cast" cylinder head incorporates rolled    bare castings.
                 over valve angles, open heart-shaped combustion chambers, and             Intake  Comb.  Intake  Exhaust
                 a competition valve job. Sold individually as a bare casting.  Part No.  Description  Runner  Chamber  Valve  Valve
                                      Intake  Comb.  Intake  Exhaust            “Pro Action”
                  Part No.  Description  Runner  Chamber  Valve  Valve  RHS35012  20° Cylinder Head  200cc  58cc  2.020"  1.600"
                           “Pro Action”
                  RHS11011            320cc   119cc  2.250"  1.880"             “Pro Action”
                         24° Cylinder Head                           RHS35013  20° Cylinder Head  215cc  58cc  2.080"  1.600"
                                                                                “Pro Action”
                                                                     RHS35016              200cc  64cc  2.020"  1.600"
                                                                              20° Cylinder Head
                                                                                “Pro Elite”
                                                                     RHS35020              205cc  62cc  2.055"  1.600"
                                                                              20° Cylinder Head
                                                                                “Pro Elite”
                                                                     RHS35025              221cc  62cc  2.080"  1.625"
                                                                              20° Cylinder Head
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