Page 548 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 548

Helmet Supports                                   Drag Race Fuel Cells
                                                              RJS drag racing fuel cells are available in a variety of sizes and
                                                            capacities. Completely assembled and ready for installation, cells
                                                            are made of polyethylene with sumps and -8AN fi ttings.

                                                              4 gal. upright fuel cell, 9-1/8" x 9-1/8" x
                                                            16-1/8". Two outlets in sump.
           High density foam helmet supports are covered with Nomex and
          provide support to the neck and helmet. Supports can be removed
          and re placed in seconds with the Velcro closure. Horseshoe and
          360° Styles. Meets SFI 3.3 Specs.
               Description    Black      Red       Blue
              Horseshoe Style  RJS11000501  RJS11000504  RJS11000503  RJS3000501
                360° Style  RJS11000401  RJS11000404  RJS11000403  5 gal. drag cell with sump and foam, 13"
                                                            x 12-7/8" x 8-1/4". Two outlets in sump.
          Arm Restraints
           Universal arm restraints work
          with 3" lap belt, or the 4- or 5-way
          quick release. For use in all types of race       RJS3001401
          cars, restraint is easy to install and com fort-
          able to use. Made from 1" webbing with 2" arm       8 gal. drag cell with sump and
          bands and “D” ringed to prevent slip page.        foam, 19-3/4" x 14-5/8" x 7-1/2".
                                                            Two outlets in sump.
               Description     Black      Red       Blue
               Arm Restraints  RJS11000301  RJS11000304  RJS11000303
            Jr. Dragster Arm Restaints  RJS11001701  —  —
          Helmet Restraint                                    12 gal. drag cell with raised cap and
          RJS11000801                                       sump, 16" x 18-1/8" x 8-7/8". Two
           Helmet restraint reduces                         outlets in sump.
          neck fatigue and is easy to
          attach or remove. Adjusts easily and includes “D” ring attachment
          for installation. Compatible with any helmet.
          Window Nets                                         15 gal. drag cell with raised cap
           Nylon, ribbon nets have provisions               and sump, 25" x 16-7/8" x 9-1/4".
          for insertion of a 7/16" steel rod top            Two outlets in sump.
          and bottom to secure them. Nets
          meet 27.1 SFI specs. Order mount ing              Fuel Cell Foam
          kit RJS100021 separately.                           End the problem of fuel cell
            Part No.   Description    Part No.  Description  foam falling apart with a material
          Rectangular               Square                  that is compatible with gas and
           RJS10000401  Black 18" x 24"  RJS10000601  Black 24" x 24"  gas additives, and is also avail-
           RJS10000403  Blue 18" x 24"  RJS10000603  Blue 24" x 24"
           RJS10000404  Red 18" x 24"  RJS10000604  Red 24" x 24"  able for methanol and additives.
           RJS10000405  Orange 18" x 24"                    Available for 8, 12 and 15-gallon
           RJS10000406  Yellow 18" x 24"                    cells. Foam blocks are approxi-
           RJS10000407  Gray 18" x 24"                      mately 4" x 8" x 8".
                                                               Part No.     Description
          Angled Drag Window Nets                              RJS30152  Gasoline Fuel Cell Foam
           Specifi cally for use with most drag race            RJS30154  Methanol Fuel Cell Foam
          style roll cages. Nets meet 27.1 SFI specs.
            Part No.     Description                        Utility Jugs
           RJS10000101     Black                              Heavy duty, fi ve gallon capacity polyethylene
           RJS10000103     Blue                             Utility Jugs include handles at both the top and
           RJS10000104      Red
                                                            bottom to ease pouring.
                                                               Description   Black     White      Red
          Window Net Installation Kit RJS100021              5-Gallon Utility Jug  RJS20000105  RJS20000106  RJS20000107
                                                            Replacement Utility Jug Cap
           Fits RJS1000401, RJS1000 and RJS10000101 nets.

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