Page 551 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 551
Sportsman Data Logger SmartWire Power Control Module
Designed to meet the needs of The simplest method of wiring a
sportsman drag racers, data logger race car, while including the ability of
uses the same V-Net technology adding modern electronic features and
employed by high end profession- functions. Solid state design eliminates
als, but in a much more affordable traditional fuse panels, circuit breakers
package. Sportsman series unit has and relays, reducing weight and wire
the ability to record and download complexity. Inputs and outputs are user
engine RPM, driveshaft RPM, battery voltage, acceleration G and configurable, providing customization of
lateral G. Data is stored on a removable SD card, which may then the vehicle’s power needs and acces-
be downloaded to a PC for review. May also be configured with sories. Unit may be used with Racepak
Racepak IQ3 or UDX dashes. Sold complete with wiring harness, data recorders and display dashes, or may be used in conjunc-
driveshaft speed sensor and bracket, USB programming cable and tion with the SmartWire switch panel. Sold complete with USB
Datalink II software. programming cable and Datalink II software.
Part No. Description Part No. Description
RPK610-KT-SPRTMN Sportsman Data Logger RPK500-KT-SW30 SmartWire Power Control Module
RPK610-MB-1625 Mounting Bracket For Data Logger, For 1-5/8” Roll Bar Tubing SmartWire Switch Panel, Single Starter Button And (8) Accessory
IQ3D Drag Race Logger Dash RPK250-DS-IQ3D RPK500-SW-SM16 SmartWire Switch Module, Allows Use Of Existing Switches With
SmartWire Module
The all-in-one IQ3D combines the
look of a dashboard with the capability AF-1 Single-Channel Wideband Controller
of a data logger. Dash uses four user-
definable pages to display information, RPK220-VM-AF1
while data is recorded onto a microSD Engineered for the
memory card located on the face of the harsh conditions
dash for easy access. System includes common to
built-in support for over 20 popular EFI systems including Big racing, single
Stuff 3, FAST XFI, Holley Dominator and MSD Atomic. Sold com- channel air/fuel
plete with wiring harness, driveshaft sensor, oil pressure sensor, sensor package
water temperature sensor, USB programming cable, Datalink II is designed for
software, MicroSD card and reader. use with any
V-Net series data logger. Suitable for use with gasoline or alcohol,
Part No. Description
RPK250-DS-IQ3D IQ3D Drag Race Data Logger Dash, Includes 28 Channels AF-1 controller is complete with Bosch LSU air/fuel sensor and
RPK250-DS-IQ3 IQ3 Drag Race Logger Dash Only wiring harness. Purchase oxygen sensor separately.
RPK250-DS-IQ3LD IQ3 Logger Dash, Includes 32 Channels
Related Components And Accessories
RPK250-DS-IQ3CVR Clear/Vacuum Formed Protective Cover For IQ3 AF-4 Four-Channel Wideband Controllers
RPK800-MB-IQ3 IQ3 Mounting Bracket, Black Anodized Aluminum Created specifically for tuning
RPK800-MB-IQ3-PCF IQ3 Mounting Bracket, Faux Carbon Fiber
race engines, 4-channel con-
trollers are designed
UltraDash Extreme Kit RPK250-KT-UDX to be connected
Designed as an add on for the to the V-Net
V-series recorders, the UltraDash cable of
Extreme Kit will display up to 21 V-series
functions that are being moni- recorders
tored. UltraDash is 7.25” x 2.62” so that air/
in size and features a backlit LCD fuel ratio
screen. Unit uses five numeric may be
displays, an engine RPM sweep bar and 20 programmable monitored.
displays on each of the four screen “pages”. Shift light, shift point Compat-
programming and warning light functions are also featured. ible with gasoline or methanol, each sensor includes a 13” pigtail
cable, while the controller uses a 37” cable for sensor attach-
UltraDash Extreme Replay RPK250-DS-UDXRP ment. Controllers are configured by cylinder layout. Each sensor
Complete, stand alone unit is includes weld-in fitting and plug. Purchase oxygen sensors
capable of delivering real time separately.
display plus the ability to store Part No. Description
up to 10 minutes of memory for RPK220-VM-AF4-1357 AF-4 Four-Channel Wideband Controller, Cyl. #1, #3, #5 & #7
replay. The UDX Replay uses a RPK220-VM-AF4-2468 AF-4 Four-Channel Wideband Controller, Cyl. #2, #4, #6 & #8
bright, LCD backlit, 7.25” x 2.62” Related Components
Replacement Oxygen Sensor, AF-1 Or AF-4 Air/Fuel Modules
screen to display engine RPM, RPK810-TX-AFWLDP Air/Fuel Sensor Weldment Bung And Plug, Steel
water temperature, oil pressure RPK810-TX-AFWLDSS Air/Fuel Sensor Weldment Bung And Plug, Stainless
and battery voltage. Unit additonally includes outputs for a shift
light, shift point programming and warning lights. Capable of
displaying up to 21 different functions on four screen “pages”.
Additional sensors may be added using individual V-Net sensor
and modules.