Page 547 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 547

5-Point Individual                                 3" Lap Belts
                 Bolt-In Harness Systems                             3" lap belts are an RJS exclusive. Anti-slip springs are installed
                  RJS 5-point, 3" racing harness meets recently     and there are no side adjustments to cause hip discomfort.
                 adopted SFI specifi cation requiring individual     Adjustable from 18" to 60" and all hardware is made from 4130
                 mount shoulder harnesses. Choose bolt-in or        chrome moly steel. Offered in bolt-in, snap end or wrap around
                 wrap-around mounts in black, blue or red with      versions. Belts meet 16.1 SFI specs.
                 2" or 3" wide submarine belts. Bolt-in mount            Description   Black      Blue       Red
                 systems adjust the shoulder harness at the chest      Bolt End Lap Belt  RJS15001901  RJS15001903  RJS15001904
                 slider only. Wrap-around systems include hard-        Snap End Lap Belt  RJS15002001  —      —
                 ware for wrap-around or bolt-in mount.
                                                                    3" Shoulder Harnesses
                         Description      Black    Blue     Red
                 Bolt-In Mount                                       Use with any 3" latch type belt. Harnesses are
                      Harness With 2" Sub Belt  RJS1127801 RJS1127803 RJS1127804  offered in bolt-in, roll bar mount and wrap around
                      Harness With 3" Sub Belt  RJS1128601 RJS1128603 RJS1128604  confi gurations. Roll bar mount, “V”-type harness may
                 Wrap-Around (Shoulder Only)                        be mounted to a structural tube running horizontally
                      Harness With 3" Sub Belt  RJS1131001 RJS1131003 RJS1131004
                 Complete Wrap-Around                               behind and below the driver's shoulders. Individual
                      Harness With 2" Sub Belt  RJS1130401 RJS1130403 RJS1130404  bolt in harness may be secured similarly or attached
                                                                    to rear fl oor pan. Wrap around harness loops around
                 5-Point Roll Bar Mount                             roll bar tubing, running horizontally and below
                 Harness Systems                                    driver's shoulders. Belts meet 16.1 SFI specs.
                  Systems use the highest                                  Description      Black    Red
                 quality materials, includ-                          Roll Bar Mount Shoulder Harness  RJS16001901 RJS16001904
                                                                        Bolt In Shoulder Harness
                 ing 4130 chrome moly                                 Wrap Around Shoulder Harness  RJS16003901  —
                 steel hardware. Harnesses
                 are fully adjustable, meet SFI 16.1 specs, and are available in
                 black, blue or red with single 2" or 3" wide submarine belts.
                                                                    Submarine Belts
                    Description   Black       Blue        Red
                  Harness w/2" Sub Belt  RJS1125401  RJS1125403  RJS1125404  Submarine belts may be used with any latch type 3"
                  Harness w/3" Sub Belt  RJS1126201  RJS1126203  RJS1126204  belt and harness. The fully adjustable model has the
                                                                    same type adjuster, with anti-slip springs, used on RJS
                 5-Point Latch And Link/Head                        seat belts. Choose from 2" or 3" wide single, or 2"
                 And Neck Restraint Systems                         wide double belts. Belts meet 16.1 SFI specs.
                  Designed for use with most popular head                 Description      Black
                                                                         2" Wide Single
                 and neck restraints, 5-point Latch And Link         2" Wide Single, Fully Adjustable  RJS17000501
                 Systems feature 3” shoulder and lap belts,              3" Wide Single  RJS17000901
                 and 2” submarine belt. Meets SFI 16.1 specifi -          2" Wide Double  RJS17000301
                 cations. Offered in black, blue or red.
                        Description      Black    Blue     Red      3" Harness Pads
                   Individual Shoulder, 38”, Bolt-In  RJS1142201  RJS1142203  RJS1142204  Easy to install, belts slip into pads for extra
                     Roll Bar Mount, Bolt-In  RJS1139801  —  —
                                                                    driver comfort. Available in black, blue and red.
                                                                    SFI approved.
                 5-Point Quick Release Harness Systems
                                                                       Black      Blue       Red
                  Belt hook-up and release is easy with              RJS11001201  RJS11001203  RJS11001204
                 the aluminum quick release mechanism.
                 Belt ends are high quality 4130 chrome
                 moly steel and each system meets SFI 16.1
                 specs. Available in roll bar mount or wrap
                 around style shoulder straps with 2" or 3"
                 wide submarine belt in black, blue or red.         Harness System
                   Description  Black        Blue         Red       Mounting Accessories
                 Roll Bar Mount                                       Part No.               Description
                   2" Sub Belt  RJS1029301   —         RJS1029304    RJS140001               Floor Anchor
                   3" Sub Belt  RJS1030101  RJS1030103  RJS1030104
                 Wrap Around (Shoulder Only)                         RJS140002           Eye Bolt 3/8" Fine Thread
                                                                                             3" Slide Bar
                   2" Sub Belt  RJS1034101  RJS1034103  RJS1034104   RJS140004
                   3" Sub Belt  RJS1034903  RJS1034904    —                                  Snap Hook
                                                                     RJS140005               2" Slide Bar
                                                                     RJS140006            Heavy Mounting Washer
                 5-Point Jr. Dragster Harness System                 RJS140011  Floor Mount Kit, Bolt End, Includes 2 of Each: Bolts, Nuts and Washers
                 RJS1004101                                          RJS140012  Floor Mount Kit, Snap End, Includes 1 of Each: Snap End, Eye Bolt, Flat
                                                                                            Washer And Nut
                  Bolt-in Jr. Dragster harness includes 2" wide
                 shoulder harness, lap belts, submarine belt and
                 pull-up style adjust. Meets SFI 16.1 specifi ca-
                 tions. Black only.

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