Page 568 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 568
Extended Life Oil Filters Max EZ Power Steering Fluid
Royal Purple oil fi lters provide superior A consistent, non-foaming high performance
particle removal, high-performance fl uid that resists high temperatures, pressures and
and optimized fl ow characteristics for increases pump life.
maximum performance and longer fi l- 12 Oz. 1 Case
ter life. Filters feature 100% synthetic Description Bottle 12/1 Qt. Bottles
micro-glass media for superior particle Max EZ Power Steering Fluid ROY01326 ROY12326
removal with 99% fi ltration effi ciency
at 25 microns. Please use cross refer- Purple Ice Radiator Super Coolant
ence chart below to determine correct Reduces the surface tension of the coolant so
fi lter or call a sales associate for assistance. it can better penetrate heat transfer areas of the
Royal Purple Fram Wix K&N radiator. Provides a protective coating for aluminum
Royal Purple Cross Reference parts, prevents corrosion and lubricates pump seals.
ROY30-1218 PH13,PH5 51060R, 51061R HP-3002 Ideal for use in racing where glycol (anti-freeze) is
ROY30-8A HP1 51622R HP-3001
not used.
12 Oz. 1 Case
Description Bottle 12/16 Oz. Bottles
Max ATF Automatic Purple Ice Super Coolant ROY01600 ROY12600
Transmission Fluid
An excellent synthetic replacement for Dexron III
or Mercon type ATF, it withstands extreme heat and Ultra-Performance Grease
reduces friction for improved shifting. Aluminum complex, water-resistant multi-service grease
can withstand high temperatures and extreme loads.
1 Qt. 1 Case 5 Gallon
Description Bottle 6/1 Qt. Bottles Pail 14.5 Oz. 1 Case
Max ATF ROY01320 ROY06320 ROY05320 Description Tube 30/14.5 Oz. Tubes
Ultra Performance Grease ROY01312 ROY30312
Racing ATF ROY10154
High performance lubricant is engineered
specifi cally for automatic transmissions Max-Tuff Synthetic
designed for Type F fl uid. Ideal for the Assembly Lubricant
extreme loads and high tempratures com- Synthetic lubricant is designed for use in assem-
mon to drag racing, fl uid is formulated to bling repaired equipment. Max-Tuff adheres to metal
deliver fi rm, positive shifts, while improving surfaces, creating a load-bearing physical barrier
consistency and clutch life. Racing ATF in- between surfaces, while also protecting against rust
corporates proprietary Synerlec technology and corrosion.
for added durability and is recommended 8 Oz. 1 Case
for all high performance, non-electronic shift trans- Description Bottle 12/8 Oz. Bottles
missions that use a Type F fl uid. Sold in 5 gallon pail. Max-Tuff Assembly Lubricant ROY01335 ROY12335
Manual Transmission Fluid Maxfi lm Synthetic
Recommended for manual transmissions requiring Penetrating Lubricant
automatic transmission fl uid or motor oil. Synerlec
additive improves shift quality and reduces friction Stops squeaks, loosens rusted parts, prevents rust,
and gear noise over a wide temperature range. One corrosion and reduces wear. Maxfi lm is so tough it
quart bottles. can be used as a tapping fl uid for cutting threads.
Clings to metal surfaces for long lasting protection.
1 Qt. 1 Case
Description Bottle 6/1 Qt. Bottles 1 Case 1 Case
Synchromax MTF ROY01512 ROY06512 4 Oz. 11 Oz. 12/4 Oz. 12/11 Oz.
Description Can Can Cans Cans
Maxfilm ROY10035 ROY05000 ROY12035 ROY15000
Max-Gear Gear Oil Max-Atomizer Fuel Injector Cleaner
Max-Gear reduces frictional wear and heat ROY18000
through an impact-absorbing, non-shearing Fully synthetic, Max-Atomizer high performance
molecular structure. fuel injector cleaner is specially formulated to quickly
clean dirty fuel injectors, optimizing injector spray
1 Qt. 1 Case 5 Gallon
Description Bottle 6/1 Qt. Bottles Pail patterns and restoring 100% of injector fl ow. Product
75W90 ROY01300 ROY06300 ROY05300 is also the only fuel injector cleaner currently offered
75W140 ROY01301 ROY06301 — that additionally stabilizes ethanol. Sold in a 6 oz. can.
85W140 — — ROY05303