Page 640 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 640

Premium Motorsports Apparel
           Velocita offers a variety of custom driving suits, each custom tailored to provide unsurpassed comfort and safety. True, custom one-
          piece suits are individually sized and available with a wide variety of options. Please request a custom suit order form from salesper-
          son to order.

          Custom Jr. Dragster                               Custom Race Driving Suit
          Driving Suit VEL10000                             VEL30000
           One-piece, double-layer Jr. Dragster Driv-         Ideal for sponsored drivers, Custom Race
          ing Suit is attractive, comfortable and meets     Driving Suit includes free custom design,
          SFI 3.2A/1 specs. Custom fi t, box quilt de-       free art work, free custom tailoring and free
          sign suit incorporates boot cuffs, back gus-      unlimited embroidery. Double-layer, one-piece
          sets, 360° arm gussets, arm restraints and        driving suit incorporates comfortable, ultra thin
          stretch panels for growth. Offered in black,      material in box quilt design with 360° radial
          white, blue, yellow, orange, lime green,          arms and euro back gussets. Suits meets SFI
          purple, hot pink, light gray or dark gray with    3.2A/5 specifi cations. Offered in black, white,
          virtually any color embroidery on chest and       blue, yellow, orange, lime green, purple, hot
          belt only. Please request a custom suit           pink, light gray or dark gray with virtually any
          order form from salesperson to order.             color embroidery. Please request a custom suit order form from
                                                            salesperson to order.
          Custom Team Driving Suit VEL20000
                                                            Custom Pro Driving Suit
                                                              Top-of-the-line custom driving suit features
                                                            an attractive, F1 european style ultra-shiny
                                                            fi lament fi nish. One-piece, double layer suit
                                                            utilizes ultra thin material in a box quilt design
                                                            with 360° radial arms, euro back gussets and
                                                            black pro liner. Suit includes free custom de-
                                                            sign, free art work, free custom tailoring and
                                                            free unlimited embroidery. Meets stringent
           T1           T2          T3          T4          SFI 3.2A/5 specifi cations. Offered in black,
                                                            blue, red, white, silver, yellow or orange with
           A custom full tailored suit with an affordable price, the Team   virtually any color embroidery. Please request
          one-piece driving suit utilizes a double-layer, shiny appearance   a custom suit order form from salesperson to order.
          with digitizing and embroidery on chest logo, both forearms and
          name on belt. Attractive and comfortable suit includes 360° arm
          gussets for increased range of motion. Choose from four different
          suit designs (T1, T2, T3 or T4) in black, red, blue or white primary
          colors with choice of black, white, blue, yellow, orange, lime
          green, purple, hot pink, light gray or dark gray trim. Suits meet
          stringent SFI 3.2A/5 specifi cations. Please request a custom suit
          order form from salesperson to order.

                                                            Manual Boost Controller VIB16901
                                                              Manual Boost Controller features a large,
                                                            premium grade brass adjustment knob to
                                                            allow increasing or decreasing boost pressure
                                                            accurately and effectively. An incorporat-
          Air-To-Air Intercooler VIB12800                   ed, low pressure check valve is used to
           Air-to-air intercooler is                        help prevent stalling on MAF-equipped
          fully capable of han-                             cars. Constructed from billet, 6061-
          dling the most extreme                            T6 aluminum, controller includes a black
          race car applications.                            anodized fi nish and is sold complete with
          Intercooler utilizes bar                          mounting bracket.
          and plate construction,
          which is far superior to                          Manual Bead Roller VIB2990
          traditional tube and fi n units. Intercooler delivers a cooler, denser   Bead Roller allows manually rolling beads in
          air charge resulting in reduced chance of detonation, while maxi-  multiple stages by tightening rollers gradually.
          mizing turbocharger effi ciency. Ideal for applications with up to   Minimum tube diameter to be used is 3/4” OD
          350 horsepower, unit is 26" wide x 6-1/2" high x 3-1/4" thick and   Bead roller is intended for use on aluminum
          includes 2-1/2" inlet/outlets.                    material only.

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