Page 638 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 638

                                                            Gel Lube VLC71756
          All-In-One Silicone                                 Unique cam lubricant sprays on as a liquid and in-
           Valco has pared down their automotive silicone   stantly forms into a gel. Ideal for use during engine
          line to just one premium grade RTV Silicone that   assembly to prevent corrosion. Blends together
          can fill the needs of any racer. All colors of Valco   with motor oil. Excellent corrosion protection for
          sil i cone are low volatility, oxygen sensor safe and   any engine or transmission which will be stored.
          will with stand high temperatures.
           Part No.               Description
           VLC71105         Clear All-In-One Silicone, 3 Oz. Tube  White Lithium Grease
           VLC71112       Clear All-In-One Silicone, 11.17 Cartridge
           VLC71135         Black All-In-One Silicone, 3 Oz. Tube  VLC795903
           VLC71142      Black All-In-One Silicone, 11.17 Oz. Cartridge  Multi-purpose, 12-hydroxy, lith i-
           VLC71195        Aluminum All-In-One Silicone, 3 Oz. Tube  um-based grease has out stand ing
           VLC71202     Aluminum All-In-One Silicone, 11.17 Oz. Cartridge
                                                            re sis tance to water and is perfect
                                                            for high-speed, heavy load ap pli-
          HV-350 Adhesive Sealant                           ca tions. Con tains ox i da tion and
          VLC71155                                          cor ro sion in hib i tors. 10 oz. tube.
           Valco's HV-350’s elasticity and abrasion
          resistance make it ideal for high vibration ap-   Epoxi-Putty VLC71636
          plications. Material can be sanded and bonds
          both chemically and mechanically. Can be used       Kneadable, steel reinforced Epoxy-
          on porous and non-porous substrates such as       Put ty cures rock-hard within minutes of mixing. Can be drilled,
          wood, glass, plastic, vinyl, metal, fabric and    tapped or filed after 1 hour and can with stand temperatures up to
          even concrete. Can be thinned with solvents       500°F. Packaged in 2 oz. clear cylinder with cap.
          such as Valco Solvent 184 or lacquer thinner
          and be brushed on as a protective coating.        Phase 2 Special Use Detailer
          Tube-Grip Dispensing Pliers                         A heavy duty detailer that not only has the
           Innovative, 14 gauge steel tools that can ef-    ability to remove dirt and road grime, but oil,
          ficiently dispense material from flexible tubes     grease and other foreign substances. Spray-on
          with no waste. Applies 10 times the pressure of   detailer cleans and protects rubber, vinyl, anod-
          squeezing by hand and yields up to 35% more       ized aluminum, paint, fiberglass, lexan and more.
          material out of each tube. Offered in standard    Particularly effective at removing brake dust from
          2" or 2-1/2" wide industrial sizes.               wheels. Sold in 16 oz. bottle.
           Part No.        Description
           VLC71006  Tube-Grip Dispensing Pliers, 2-1/2" Wide   Fastshine
           VLC71416  Tube-Grip Dispensing Pliers, 2" Wide
          Hylomar  Gasket Maker                             VLC71603
           Non-hardening, polyurethane-based Hylomar          Fastshine gives a quick, pro-
          is impervious to gasoline, oil and any au to mo tive   fessional shine to a variety of
          fluid. Use Hylomar as a gasket maker, gasket       surfaces, including clear coat.
          dress ing or thread sealant.                      Removes fin ger prints, bugs,
                                                            water spots, bird droppings,
           Part No.         Description
           VLC71255  Hylomar Blue, Medium, 1.5 Oz. Tube  VLC71260  etc. 32 oz. spray bottle.
                         Hylomar Blue, Medium,
                         250ml Brush Top Can
                         Hylomar Blue, Medium,
                        100 Gram Tube And Nozzle            Magic Mix  ®
           VLC71301  Hylomar, Solvent Free, 3.5 Oz. Tube
           VLC71362    Hylomar, Aerosol, 5 Oz. Can            The “lazy man’s polish”, Magic Mix cleaner
                                                            and polish shines and protects aluminum,
          Peeler VLC71688                                   stainless steel, diamond plate, brass, gold,
           Removes silicone, paper or                       silver, magnesium and copper. Magic Mix re-
          fiber gasket material more                         moves oxidation, tar and bugs from paint and
                                                            even removes rust from chrome. For tough
          quickly and easily than a                         stains, clean and prepare metal with Magic
          gasket scraper. Short, easy-                      Mix Metal Cleaner.                     VLC71610
          to-hold peeler has a unique,
                                                              Part No.
          self-leveling blade assembly                       VLC71610        Magic Mix Cleaner And Polish Set, 8 Oz. Ea.
          that won’t dig in or gouge surfaces.               VLC71611           Magic Mix Polish, 8 Oz. Bottle
                                                             VLC71640           Magic Mix Polish, 16 Oz. Bottle
                                                             VLC71644          Magic Mix Speed Wax, 16 Oz. Bottle
                                                             VLC71718        Perfect Polish Cloth, 12" x 17", Pkg. Of 12

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