Page 637 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 637
Utility Jugs Pro Grade Full Synthetic Racing Oils
Durable, fi ve gallon Full synthetic oils are specifi cally formulated to
utility jugs are offered provide exceptional durability and unsurpassed
in round and square friction control to racing applications. Lubricants
versions. Square include high levels of ZDDP for outstanding wear
jugs fi t fl ush against protection, while an aggressive additive package
upright fl at sur- minimizes oxidation, sludge and engine deposits.
faces and are ideal Sold in one quart bottles, or in cases.
where space is at a 1 Qt. 1 Case
premium. Covered by Description Bottle 12/1 Qt. Bottles
a 5-year limited war- Pro Grade 0W-20 Racing Oil VPF2715 VPF2717
ranty against cracks, Pro Grade 5W-30 Racing Oil VPF2725 VPF2727
leaks or splitting. Pro Grade 10W-40 Racing Oil VPF2745 VPF2747
Available in a wide Pro Grade 15W-50 Racing Oil VPF2755 VPF2757
variety of colors. Cap
is included.
Break-In Engine Oil
Round Square
Color Part No. Part No. Specialized break-in lubricant is engineered
Red VPF3012 VPF3512 to deliver maximum protection to camshafts
White VPF3022 VPF3522 and valvetrain components during the break-in
Blue VPF3032 VPF3532 process. Oil includes moly compounds to help
Purple — VPF3592
Yellow — VPF3552 promote ring seal and assist in the proper pla-
Orange — VPF3572 teau of cylinders. EP additives are additionally
Green — VPF3562 incorporated to help manage the “seating in”
Silver — VPF3602 process. Sold in one quart bottles, or in cases.
Black — VPF3582 1 Qt. 1 Case
Pink — VPF3812
Camo — VPF3842 Description Bottle 12/1 Qt. Bottles
Break-In 10W-40 Engine Oil VPF2415 VPF2417
Part No. Description
Replacement/Accessory Components
VPF3042 Cap
VPF3045 Vent Cap Engine Assembly Lube
VPF3053 Filler Hose, 14"
Formulated to cling to engine parts during the
engine building process, Engine Assembly Lube is
a premium high viscosity lubricant that provides
Siphon Pump VPF3054 superior protection against scuffi ng, galling and
Pump quickly siphons fuel from steel 15, 30 metal transfer. Lubricant combines zinc, phos-
or 55 gallon drums. phorous and moly anti-wear additives to prevent
excessive wear. Designed to mix with other oils,
preventing the clogging of ports or oil fi lters. Sold
2-Jug Fuel Rack VPF3048 in 12 oz. bottles, or in cases.
Lightweight, fabri- 12 Oz. 1 Case
cated aluminum fuel Description Bottle 12/1 Qt. Bottles
rack allows storing Engine Assembly Lube VPF2251 VPF2257
two 5-gallon round or
square fuel jugs in the
trailer for safe and ef- Full Synthetic
fective transport. Fuel Hi-Performance Gear Oil
rack, which attaches An effective, full synthetic extreme pressure
easily to the inside of and multi-purpose GL-5 gear oil engineered
trailer wall, features for high speed, high shock load and low
a laser cut VP Racing speed, high torque conditions. VP gear oil is
Fuels logo.
formulated to increase power, lower operating
temperatures and reduce start-up wear. Sold in
one quart bottles, or in cases.
1 Qt. 1 Case
Description Bottle 12/1 Qt. Bottles
Full Synthetic 75W-90 Gear Oil VPF2885 VPF2887
Full Synthetic 80W-90 Gear Oil VPF2895 VPF2897