Page 670 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 670

FSA-3                                             RZ-44C
           The FS-3 is constructed using a light-             Exceptionally lightweight and aerodynamic,
          weight fi berglass shell that is fi tted with       the RZ-44C is manufactured using a carbon
          a plush, fi re retardant liner and 3mm             mix shell and features the TRI-Tech Air
          Z-15 clear shield. Incorporated M6 in-            System, which allows using natural air,
          serts provide compatibility with virtually        forced air or air plugs in three adjust-
          any head and neck restraint. Scalp and            able inlets. Helmet includes a plush, fi re
          chin bar ventilation with rear exhaust            retardant interior with EPS chin bar foam.
          ports aid driver comfort. Offered in white        Meets Snell SA 2015 specifi cations. Offered
          only, full face helmet meets Snell SA2015         in carbon only.
          specifi cations.                                        Part No.       Size
             Part No.    Size                                  ZAMH741CB3XS    X-Small
           ZAMH751001S  Small                                  ZAMH741CB3S     Small
           ZAMH751001M  Medium                                 ZAMH741CB3M     Medium
           ZAMH751001L  Large                                  ZAMH741CB3L     Large
           ZAMH751001XL  X-Large                               ZAMH741CB3XL    X-Large
                                                               ZAMH741CB3XXL  XX-Large
          RZ-58                                             RZ-42
           Affordable, full face composite helmet is          Super lightweight, full face helmet is
          fi tted with a plush, fi re retardant interior      constructed using a Kevlar mix shell
          and is pre-drilled for use with a head and        that is fi tted with a removable/washable
          neck restraint. Chin, scalp and exhaust           ultra-soft, fi re retardant interior and Z-20
          vents provide ventilation. Provisions are included for top air (pur-  series 3mm clear shield. TRI-Tech air
          chased separately) on RZ-58. Helmet meets SA-2015 specs. and   system allows using natural air, forced air
          is sold complete with 3mm shield and tear-off posts.   or air plugs in three adjustable inlets. M6 inserts allow compat-
              Size      White      Matte Black  Gloss Black  ibility with all head and neck restraints. Offered in white, matte
             X-Small  ZAMH748001XS    —            —        black, graphic orange/black or graphic green/silver, helmet meets
             Small    ZAMH748001S  ZAMH74803FS  ZAMH748003S  Snell SA2015 specifi cations.
             Medium   ZAMH748001M  ZAMH74803FM  ZAMH748003M                                Graphic   Graphic
             Large    ZAMH748001L  ZAMH74803FL  ZAMH748003L   Size    White    Matte Black  Orange/Black  Green/Silver
             X-Large  ZAMH748001XL  ZAMH74803FXL  ZAMH748003XL  X-Small  ZAMH743001XS  —    —          —
            XX-Large  ZAMH748001XXL  ZAMH74803FXXL  —         Small  ZAMH743001S  ZAMH74303FS  ZAMH743C24S  ZAMH743C39S
                                                             Medium  ZAMH743001M  ZAMH74303FM  ZAMH743C24M  ZAMH743C39M
          RZ-35                                               Large  ZAMH743001L  ZAMH74303FL  ZAMH743C24L  ZAMH743C39L
           Top-of-the-line full face helmet offers           XX-Large ZAMH743001XXL ZAMH74303FXXL ZAMH743C24XXL  ZAMH743C39XL
          comfort and superior driver protection.
          The RZ-34 uses a composite fi berglass
          shell that is fi tted with removable, wash-        RZ-42Y Youth
          able liner, while chin, scalp and exhaust           Manufactured using a lightweight
          vents provide ventilation. Helmet meets           composite/Kevlar mix, the RZ-42Y is
          Snell SA2015 specifi cations and is sold           geared toward youth drivers that require
          complete with 3mm shield and tear-off posts. Offered in white or   a smaller shell. Helmet uses a remov-
          matte black.                                      able/washable, plush fi re retardant liner
                Size           White          Matte Black   and a Z-21 series clear shield. Top air
          RZ-35                                             intake and chin bar vents help deliver
               Small        ZAMH746001S       ZAMH74603FS   added comfort. Offered in white or black,
               Medium       ZAMH746001M      ZAMH74603FM    helmet meets Snell CMR 2016 standards.
               Large        ZAMH746001L       ZAMH74603FL
               X-Large      ZAMH746001XL     ZAMH74603FXL               Gloss       Gloss
          RZ-35Y Youth                                         Size     White       Black
             6-3/4 (54cm)   ZAMH73800154     ZAMH73800354      52cm  ZAMH75300152  ZAMH75300352
              7 (56cm)      ZAMH73800156     ZAMH73800356      54cm  ZAMH75300154  ZAMH75300354
                                                               56cm  ZAMH75300156  ZAMH75300356
                                                               57cm  ZAMH75300157  ZAMH75300357

          Replacement Helmet Shields

                                              Dark                   Blue       Silver
               Model       Type    Clear     Smoke       Smoke      Iridium    Iridium     Mirror     Amber
              FSA-2/FSA-3  Z-15  ZAMHASZ15CL   —       ZAMHASZ15DK   —       ZAMHASZ15BL  ZAMHASZ15SM  —

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