Page 672 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 672

2005-10 Mustang GT EFI Wet Nitrous System         Dodge Hemi
          COM82034                                          Challenger
           One of the safest, most                          Nitrous Systems
          user-friendly nitrous systems                       Fully adjustable from
          currently available for 2005-                     75-125 horsepower, plug-
          10 Ford Mustang GT. The                           and-play nitrous systems for
          system’s patented Active                          2008-up Dodge Hemi Chal-
          Fuel Control monitors bottle                      lenger include a custom fuel
          pressure and automatically                        line adapter and specialized
          adjusts fuel enrichment. Au-                      brackets for eased installation. Systems use Active Fuel Control
          tomatically activates at wide                     and an electronic TPS switch to monitor nitrous bottle pressure
          open throttle, adding 75-175                      and temperature, adjusting fuel enrichment so that the system is
          horsepower. Use on stock or modified vehicles. System includes   never run too rich or too lean. Choose from standard system with
          bottle, nitrous management unit, stainless steel braided lines, jets,   purple bottle, or Blackout system with black bottle.
          activation switch, hardware and instructions.
                                                                Part No.               Description
                                                               COM82322    2008-Up Dodge Challenger Nitrous System, Purple Bottle
          1999-04 Mustang GT Nitrous System                   COM82322B     2008-Up Dodge Challenger Nitrous System, Blackout
           A complete wet nitrous                           LS Series Perimeter Plate
          system for 1999-2004                              Nitrous System (Throttle By Wire)
          Mustang GT that is                                COM82195
          adjustable from 75-175                               Perimeter Plate
          extra horsepower. System                          system for LS Series
          incorporates Active Fuel                          GM engines is adjust-
          Control, which adjusts fuel                       able from 100-250
          enrichment as required for                        horsepower and is
          perfect nitrous activation                        race-ready. Cutting
          at wide open throttle. Billet                     edge technology pro-
          fuel rail adapter provides eased installation, eliminating the need   vides optimum spray
          for any drilling. May be used on stock, modified, turbo charged or   efficiency and fuel
          supercharged engines.
                                                            distribution for cable and throttle-by-wire engines. A direct fit for
                                                            all 90mm and larger 4-bolt OEM and aftermarket throttle body/
          2010-Up Chevy Camaro                              manifold combinations as well as the new FAST LSX/LSX-R and
          Blackout Nitrous Systems                          LSX-RT 102mm intakes. By routing the nitrous through a series
           Exclusively designed for the                     of internal passages, the system drops the nitrous temperature to
          Gen. V Camaro, systems                            -127 degrees for additional horsepower.
          add up to 175 horse-
          power. Each kit features                          Nitrous Oxide Purge Kits
          Active Fuel Control to                              Clear nitrous lines of unwanted
          adjust fuel delivery relat-                       vapors and ensure maximum nitrous
          ed to changes in bottle                           activation. Choose from single, 20'
          pressure for a safe air/fuel ratio. The Blackout series system have   spray pattern or dual outlet, “V”
          black powder coated bottle and accessories. Choose from system   pattern purge kits. Each kit includes
          for V8 or V6 applications.                        oversized delivery lines, solenoid and
            Part No.               Description              required hardware.
           COM82367B     2010-Up Chevy Camaro V6 Blackout Nitrous System  Part No.  Description
           COM82380B     2010-Up Chevy Camaro V8 Blackout Nitrous System  COM82010  Purge Kit
                                                              COM82175   Dual Outlet Purge Kit
                                                            Nitrous System Components And Accessories
                                                               Part No.         Description
                                                                              10 Lb. Nitrous Bottle,
                                                                            Purple Powder Coat Finished
                                                                           -4AN Nitrous Pressure Gauge Kit,
                                                                             Fits -4AN Bottle Fittings
                                                                            Wire-In Nitrous Bottle Heater,
                                                                          Helps Increase System Performance
                                                                            Remote Bottle Valve Opener,
                                                                         Allows Opening Valve From Driver’s Seat
                                                                           Universal Safety Blow Down Kit,
                                                                       Safely Vents Nitrous In Emergency Situations
                                                                      Machine Gun Purge Kit, Pulses Any Purge Kit With
                                                                         Machine Gun Noise And Blue LED Light
                                                                              Nitrous Level Gauge,
                                                                           Digitally Monitors Bottle Level
          B&K RACING                                                                                                            JOHN ULLMAN  COM82000
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