Page 88 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 88


          Plastigage  Kit                                   Remote Starter Button
          ALL96475                                          ALL76206
           Plastigage strings are a                           Kit is very helpful for valve lash
          simple and accurate way to                        maintenance when the ignition
          verify crankshaft, main and                       panel can’t be reached. Leads
          rod bearing clearances. Kit                       are 60" long and come complete
          includes two green .001"                          with gator clamps to connect to
          to .003" and one red .002"                        starter solenoid.
          to .006" (12" long strings)
          individually packaged inside
          calibrated sleeves. Detailed instructions are included.  Spark Plug Index Shims
                                                              Stackable shims index spark
                                                            plugs at 30° intervals up to 360°
                                                            properly positioning ground strap
          Valve Spring Compressor ALL96490                  in cylinder head for increased
           Adjustable C-clamp style                         power and clearance between
          compressor will fi t most heads                    spark plug and piston. Shims are intended for use with
          including Hemi. Spring cup will                   14mm fl at seat spark plugs only. Package of 24 shims
          fi t stock springs up to 1.750"                    contains (12) silver 60°, (12) black 90°, detailed instruc-
          diameter and a “working                           tions and dial chart.
          window” to gain access to
                                                              Part No.
          keepers that measures 1.100",                      ALL96505     Spark Plug Index Shims, 14mm Flat Seat
          which is too large for some small                  ALL96506  Spark Plug Index Shims, 14mm Flat Seat, Small O.D. (All Pro)
          diameter spring/retainer combinations. Compressor
          has 9/16" hex for use with a wrench, ratchet or impact. This tool
          will handle spring pressures in excess of 1200 lbs. without slip-  Spark Plug Indexing Tool ALL96510
          ping off.
                                                            positions the
                                                            ground strap
          Feeler Gauges                                     of the spark
           Use in engine assembly to check con-             plug properly
          necting rod side clearance, piston ring           for best piston dome clearance and un-shrouds the electrode
          end gap, spark plug gap and valve lash.           for a more even burn and possible gains of 5-15 horsepower.
          Gauges have Metric and SAE sizing designa-        Works with fl at gasket or taper seat 14mm spark plugs. Includes
          tions etched in each blade. Choose straight or    instructions.
          angled sets.
            Part No.       Description
            ALL96420        Straight                        Spark Plug Gap Tool
          Valve Lash Wrenches                                 Used to set consistent plug gap.
           Allstar Valve Lash Wrenches save                 Insert plug into holder, then put feeler
          precious time and eliminate fum-                  gauge between ground strap and electrode.
                                                            Gently turn knurled knob until feeler gauge is snug.
          bling with two separate wrenches.
          Available for Jesel, T&D and other
          poly-lock style rocker assemblies.
           Part No.               Description               Flywheel Locking Tool SB/BB Chevy
          ALL96400    7/16" Box Wrench, 1/8" Allen Wrench, Jesel Assemblies  ALL96426
          ALL96401     1/2" Box Wrench, 3/16" Allen Wrench, T&D Assemblies
          ALL96402 9/16" Box Wrench, 3/16" And 7/32" Allen Wrenches, Stud Girdle Assemblies  Place fl ywheel locking tool onto rear block
          ALL96403   5/8" Box Wrench, 3/16" And 7/32" Allen Wrenches, Poly Lock  dowel pins to prevent the fl ywheel from turn-
                                                            ing while tightening or loosening balancer
                                                            bolts, fl ywheel bolts, clutch/pressure plate
          Remote Starter Switch Kit                         bolts or cam gear bolts. Locking tool works
          ALL76205                                          with 153- or 168-tooth fl ywheels and fl explates.
           Kit includes a low profi le,
          steel cased foot pedal
          with 8 foot cord and as-                          SB Chevy Crank Socket ALL96424
          sorted wire ends to work                            Steel socket for rotating the crankshaft during
          with many applications.                           engine assembly features a 1" hex and a 1/2"
          Provide hands free engine                         ratchet drive.
          cranking when adjusting

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