Page 83 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 83


                 Step Drill Sets                                    Rivet Gun Adapter For
                  Drill multiple size holes with one bit. Drill sheet   Cordless Drill ALL18205
                 metal and aluminum without deforming or             Adapter is for reversible cordless drills and
                 distorting. Bits start on contact, deburr and      greatly speeds up the installation of “blind” rivets commonly
                 chamfer while drilling and do not require a        used when building race car bodies. Tool is a real hand and time
                 center punch. Titanium nitride coated high   ALL11041  saver compared to hand operated rivet guns and is designed for
                 speed steel. 1/4" shank.                           use with all rivets up to 3/16" including 3/16" aluminum mandrel
                  Drill Bit                Sizes                    rivets but not recommended for 3/16" steel mandrel rivets.
                 ALL11040 (3-Piece Set)                             Adapter includes nosepieces for installing 3/32", 1/8", 5/32" and
                  Six Step         3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", 1/2"  3/16" rivets.
                  Nine Step   1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", 1/2", 9/16", 5/8", 11/16", 3/4"
                  Thirteen   1/8", 5/32", 3/16", 7/32", 1/4", 9/32", 5/16", 11/32", 3/8", 13/32", 7/16",   Threaded Insert Tool Kit ALL19450
                   Step                  15/32", 1/2"
                 ALL11041 (2-Piece Set)*                             Tool works with a cordless drill to install
                           1/4", 25/64", 35/64", 11/16", 13/16", 7/8", 1", 1-1/8", 1-7/32",   a threaded insert into a panel or
                 Eleven Step                                        bracket. Inserts are helpful when the
                                         1-1/4", 1-3/8"
                            3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", 1/2", 9/16", 5/8", 11/16", 3/4",   backside of the panel is not
                 Twelve Step
                                         13/16", 7/8"               easily accessible. Simply
                                                                    drill the correct size hole,
                 * NEW
                                                                    install the threaded insert onto
                                                                    the mandrel then place the insert into the hole and tighten using
                 Air Rivet Gun ALL18210                             any cordless drill. Once the insert is compressed, reverse the drill
                  Durable air riveter speeds up as-                 and remove the mandrel from the insert. Kit includes mandrel and
                 sembly and quickly fastens steel or                nosepiece for 1/4"-20, 5/16"-18 and 3/8"-16 inserts, other sizes
                 aluminum rivets into various materi-               available separately.
                 als. Includes nose pieces for 3/32",                 Part No.         Description
                 1/8", 5/32" and 3/16" rivets.                        ALL19452   Mandrel and Nosepiece for 8-32
                                                                      ALL19453   Mandrel and Nosepiece for 10-24
                                                                      ALL19454   Mandrel and Nosepiece for 10-32
                                                                      ALL19455  Mandrel and Nosepiece for 1/4"-20
                                                                      ALL19456  Mandrel and Nosepiece for 5/16"-18  ALL19454
                                                                      ALL19457  Mandrel and Nosepiece for 3/8"-16 Body

                                                                    Threaded Inserts
                 Deluxe                                              Steel inserts are helpful when the backside
                 Air Rivet Gun                                      of the panel is not easily accessible. Inserts
                 ALL18207                                           work great for frequently removed items
                  Heavy duty air                                    including gauge panels, switch panels, access
                 rivet gun can be                                   panels and body panels or when mounting
                                                                    items to trailer walls. Inserts are designed for
                 used with steel or                                 installation using insert tool ALL19450 with
                 aluminum rivets                                    coordinating mandrel and nosepiece. Package
                 from 3/32" to                                      of 10.
                 Replacement Part                                                                      Body Length (Before
                                                                     Part No.  Thread Size Pilot Hole Size  Grip Range  Comp.)
                   Part No.         Description                      ALL19460  8-32   17/64"  Up To .080"   .420"
                   ALL18209   Replacement Jaws for ALL18207
                                                                     ALL19461  10-24   5/16"  Up To .130"   .475"
                                                                     ALL19462  10-32   5/16"  Up To .130"   .475"
                                                                     ALL19463  1/4"-20  13/32"  Up To .165"  .580"
                 Hand Rivet Gun                                      ALL19465  5/16"-18  7/16"  Up To .150"  .690"
                 ALL18206                                            ALL19467  3/8"-16  9/16"  Up To .150"  .690"
                  Includes interchangeable
                 nosepieces for 3/32", 1/8",
                 5/32", and 3/16" dia. rivets.

                 Hand Rivet Gun
                  Deluxe rivet tool includes
                 nosepieces for 3/32", 1/8", 5/32",
                 and 3/16" rivets. Wrench stores inside handle for
                 quick nosepiece changes.

                                                                    BILL VAN TUYLE                               MATT HAUCH
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