Page 79 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 79


                 1/2" Rod End Mount ALL60073                        Aluminum Hex Suspension Tubes
                  3/16" thick steel mount with 1/2" holes accepts rod   Used in steering and
                 ends up to 5/8" wide. Mount is 1-5/8" tall overall.  suspension systems,
                                                                    hex tubes are easy to
                 Steel Shock Quick Pins                             install and easy to adjust. Available in 7/8" hex with 5/8" threads
                  Steel shock quick pins allow coil-over shocks to be quickly   tapped RH and LH, and 1-1/8" hex with 3/4" threads tapped RH
                 serviced or changed. ALL60108 will work with Allstar   and LH, tubes are black anodized for appearance and corrosion
                 coil-over brackets eliminating the need for a      resistance. 6061-T6 material.
                 separate bushing. ALL60109 is commonly used on   ALL60108  Length  5/8" Thread  3/4" Thread  Length  5/8" Thread 3/4" Thread
                 non-bushing type brackets, but can be used with       3"     —      ALL56703*  21"  ALL56621  ALL56721
                 Allstar brackets along with bushing. Shock quick pins   4"   —      ALL56704*  22"  ALL56622  ALL56722
                 are 2-1/2" long and include a hairpin.                5"     —      ALL56705*  23"   —      ALL56723
                                                                       6"     —      ALL56706*  24"   —      ALL56724
                   Part No.         Description                                                       —
                   ALL60108    Shock Quick Pin With Shoulder           7"   ALL56607  ALL56707  25"          ALL56725
                   ALL60109   Shock Quick Pin Without Shoulder  ALL60109  8"  ALL56608  ALL56708  26"   —    ALL56726
                   ALL18442  1-5/8" Replacement Hairpins, 2-Pack       9"   ALL56609  ALL56709  27"   —      ALL56727
                                                                      10"   ALL56610  ALL56710  28"   —      ALL56728
                 Aluminum Suspension Tubes                            11"   ALL56611  ALL56711  29"   —      ALL56729
                                                                      12"   ALL56612  ALL56712  30"   —      ALL56730
                  Clear anod-                                         13"   ALL56613  ALL56713  32"   —      ALL56732
                 ized tubes have a                                    14"   ALL56614  ALL56714  34"   —      ALL56734
                 machined wrench                                      15"   ALL56615  ALL56715  36"   —      ALL56736
                 fl at on one end for ease of                          16"   ALL56616  ALL56716  38"   —      ALL56738
                 adjustment. Tubes have .156" wall thickness, are available in   17"  ALL56617  ALL56717  40"  —  ALL56740
                 two diameters and a variety of lengths. The 56400 series tubes   18"  ALL56618  ALL56718  42"  —  ALL56742
                 are 7/8" in diameter and both ends are tapped 5/8", one RH and   19"  ALL56619  ALL56719  44"  —  ALL56744
                 LH. The 56500 series tubes are 1" in diameter and both ends are   20"  ALL56620  ALL56720
                 tapped 3/4", one RH and one LH. 6061-T6 material.  * NEW
                  Length  5/8" Thread  3/4" Thread  Length  5/8" Thread  3/4" Thread
                   5"    ALL56405  ALL56505  18"  ALL56418  ALL56518  Unthreaded 72" Hex Suspension Tubes
                   6"    ALL56406  ALL56506  19"  ALL56419  ALL56519
                   7"    ALL56407  ALL56507  20"  ALL56420  ALL56520  Part No.         Description
                                                                      ALL56672   72" x 7/8" Hex For 5/8" Rod Ends
                   8"    ALL56408  ALL56508  21"  ALL56421  ALL56521  ALL56772  72" x 1-1/8" Hex For 3/4" Rod Ends
                   9"    ALL56409  ALL56509  22"  ALL56422  ALL56522
                   10"   ALL56410  ALL56510  23"   —      ALL56523
                   11"   ALL56411  ALL56511  24"   —      ALL56524  Aluminum Suspension Tubes
                   12"   ALL56412  ALL56512  25"   —      ALL56525   Swaged 1-1/8" O.D. tubes are
                   13"   ALL56413  ALL56513  26"   —      ALL56526  built from .156" wall tubing
                   14"   ALL56414  ALL56514  27"   —      ALL56527  and have 5/8" RH and LH
                   15"   ALL56415  ALL56515  28"   —      ALL56528  threads.
                   16"   ALL56416  ALL56516  29"   —      ALL56529               5/8" Thread         5/8" Thread
                   17"   ALL56417  ALL56517  30"   —      ALL56530   Length     Black Anodized     Polished Aluminum
                                                                      10"        ALL56806-10         ALL56807-10
                 Unthreaded 72" Suspension Tubes                      11"        ALL56806-11         ALL56807-11
                  72" long 6061-T6 aluminum tubes have a .156" wall.  12-1/2"   ALL56806-125         ALL56807-125
                   Part No.         Description                       13"        ALL56806-13         ALL56807-13
                   ALL56472    7/8" O.D. Tube For 5/8" Rod Ends      13-1/2"    ALL56806-135         ALL56807-135
                   ALL56572    1" O.D. Tube For 3/4" Rod Ends         14"        ALL56806-14         ALL56807-14
                                                                     14-1/2"    ALL56806-145         ALL56807-145
                                                                      15"        ALL56806-15         ALL56807-15
                                                                      16"        ALL56806-16         ALL56807-16
                                                                      17"        ALL56806-17         ALL56807-17
                                                                      18"        ALL56806-18         ALL56807-18
                                                                     18-1/2"    ALL56806-185         ALL56807-185
                                                                      19"        ALL56806-19         ALL56807-19
                                                                     19-1/2"    ALL56806-195         ALL56807-195
                                                                      20"        ALL56806-20         ALL56807-20
                                                                     20-1/2"    ALL56806-205         ALL56807-205
                                                                      21"        ALL56806-21         ALL56807-21
                                                                     21-1/2"    ALL56806-215         ALL56807-215
                                                                      22"        ALL56806-22         ALL56807-22
                                                                     22-1/2"    ALL56806-225         ALL56807-225
                                                                      23"        ALL56806-23         ALL56807-23
                                                                     23-1/2"    ALL56806-235         ALL56807-235
                                                                      24"        ALL56806-24         ALL56807-24
                                                                     24-1/2"    ALL56806-245         ALL56807-245

                 JOHN CONKLIN
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