Page 78 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 78


          Low Friction Lower Ball Joints                    Roller Bearing                ALL56223
           Low friction economical OEM ball joints are high   Lower Control Arm
          performance units designed for smooth suspen-     Bushings
          sion travel. Some ball joints are available with    Free up stock front suspensions and help
          longer than stock pin length for correcting roll   prevent binding commonly found with stock
          centers. Ball joints have hardened pins with      rubber and steel insert bushings. Steel bodied
          stock type housings and are not rebuildable.      bushings are complete with needle roller
          Legal for classes that require non-take apart     bearings and hardened inserts that are ready
          ball joints. For off-road use only.
                                                            to install and do not require special mounting
            Part No.        Type               Length       hardware. All bushings have 1/2" I.D. mounting holes.
          Allstar ALL56216 And Moog K727                      Part No.  Application  Bushing Position  O.D.  UHL  Hole Size
            ALL56030       Screw-In           Standard       Chevelle, Monte Carlo, GM Intermediates
            ALL56031       Screw-In          1/2" Longer
          ALL56216 Housing With ALL56206 Pin                  ALL56221  1964-66  Front (2nd Design)  1.345"  2.100"  .500"
            ALL56034       Screw-In           Standard                1967-74    Front   1.345"  2.100"  .500"
            ALL56035       Screw-In          1/2" Longer      ALL56222  1964-66  Front (1st Design)  1.645"  2.100"  .500"
          ALL56214 Housing With ALL56206 Pin                          1975-77    Front   1.645"  2.100"  .500"
            ALL56049* †    Screw-In           Standard                1964-72    Rear    1.645"  2.100"  .500"
            ALL56050* †    Screw-In          1/2" Longer              1978-88    Rear    1.645"  2.100"  .500"
            ALL56051* †    Screw-In           1" Longer       ALL56223  1973-77  Rear    1.900"  2.100"  .500"
          Allstar ALL56206 And Moog K6141                     ALL56224  1978-88  Front   1.440"  2.750"  .500"
            ALL56038       Weld-In            Standard       Camaro, Firebird
          Allstar ALL56210 And Moog K5103                     ALL56221  1967-74  Front   1.345"  2.100"  .500"
            ALL56042       Weld-In            Standard        ALL56222  1975-81  Front   1.645"  2.100"  .500"
          Allstar ALL56212 And Moog K6117                             1967-72    Rear    1.645"  2.100"  .500"
            ALL56044       Weld-In            Standard        ALL56223  1973-88  Rear    1.900"  2.100"  .500"
          Allstar ALL56218 And Moog K6145                     ALL56224  1982-92  Front   1.440"  2.750"  .500"
            ALL56046       Weld-In            Standard
            ALL56047       Weld-In           1/2" Longer    1978-88
            ALL56048       Weld-In            1" Longer     Metric Front Lower Control Arms
          *NEW  †Commonly used with ALL56256 ball joint adapter sleeve.
          Steel Control Arm Bushings
           Allstar Steel Control Arm Bushings replace stock
          rubber bushings and eliminate deflection, a com-
          mon problem with original equipment bushings.
                                                                            ALL57804               ALL57805
          Lower Control Arm Bushing Applications    ALL56230
            Part No.  Application  Bushing Position  O.D.  UHL  Hole Size  Reproduction of the originals, these new arms are a direct
          Chevelle, Monte Carlo, GM Intermediates           replacement for 1978-88 metric chassis and accept stock ball
           ALL56230  1964-66  Front (2nd Design)  1.345"  2.100"  .500"  joints.
                    1967-74     Front    1.345"  2.100"  .500"  Part No.  Description
           ALL56232  1964-66  Front (1st Design)  1.645"  2.100"  .500"  ALL57804  RH
                    1975-77     Front    1.645"  2.100"  .500"  ALL57805    LH
                    1964-72     Rear     1.645"  2.100"  .500"
                    1978-88     Rear     1.645"  2.100"  .500"
           ALL56233   —          —       1.645"  2.100"  .562"  1964-72
           ALL56234  1973-77    Rear     1.900"  2.100"  .500"  Chevelle Lower Control Arms
           ALL56235   —          —       1.900"  2.100"  .562"
           ALL56236  1978-88    Front    1.440"  2.750"  .500"
          Camaro, Firebird
           ALL56230  1967-74    Front    1.345"  2.100"  .500"
           ALL56232  1975-81    Front    1.645"  2.100"  .500"
                    1967-72     Rear     1.645"  2.100"  .500"              ALL57800  ALL57801
           ALL56234  1973-88    Rear     1.900"  2.100"  .500"              ALL57802  ALL57803
           ALL56236  1982-92    Front    1.440"  2.750"  .500"
                                                              Reproduction 1964-72 A-body lower control arms are coated
          Upper Control Arm Bushing Applications            and have the same fit and appearance as the factory arms. Both
            Part No.  Application  Bushing Position  O.D.  UHL  Hole Size  versions are made to meet the same tolerance as the original.
          Chevelle, Monte Carlo, GM Intermediates           The deluxe arms have a more precise spring pocket for more
           ALL56238  1967-72    All     1.275"  1.250"  .675"  consistent suspension geometry. They also accept the larger wire
           ALL56240  1978-88    All     1.530"  1.500"  .695"  diameter of heavier rated racing springs.
           ALL56242  1973-77    Front   1.394"  1.500"  .690"  Part No.  Description
           ALL56244  1973-77    Rear    1.311"  1.425"  .690"
                                                              ALL57800      RH
          Camaro, Firebird                                    ALL57801      LH
           ALL56238  1967-69    All     1.275"  1.250"  .675"  ALL57802   RH Deluxe
           ALL56242  1974-79    Front   1.394"  1.500"  .690"  ALL57803   LH Deluxe
           ALL56244  1974-79    Rear    1.311"  1.425"  .690"

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