Page 92 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 92


                                                            Can Racks
          Shop Towel Roll Holder ALL12219                     Mount racks in multiple loca-
           Aluminum shop towel holder is 11" wide           tions to quickly access frequently
          to hold most standard size towel rolls. Two       used cans. Perfectly sized for
          fl ip-over clips hold the towel rod in place for   carb cleaner, paint, lube and other
          easy roll replacement and a weighted plate helps   maintenance spray products. Steel
          keep towels from unrolling when mounted to trailer or   racks are 3" deep x 12" wide and
          shop wall.                                        are available in black wrinkle or red
                                                            smooth fi nish.
          Towels                                              Part No.  Description
           Soft, absorbent terry cloth towels can             ALL12225   Black
          be used for polishing, wiping up spills or          ALL12245   Red
          general detailing. Shop towels belong with
          every tool box as well as in the shop, garage     Utility Shelves
          or trailer.
                                                              Durable steel
            Part No.      Description
           ALL12010   Red Shop Towels, 25-Pack              shelves mount to shop
           ALL12011   White Shop Towels, 25-Pack            wall for organizing chemicals
           ALL12012   White Terry Towels, 12-Pack           and cleaning supplies or to display
                                                            books, trophies etc. Available in black
                                                            wrinkle or red smooth fi nish.
          Microfi ber Towels ALL12008                          Part No.    Description
           12" x 12" terry microfi ber towels                  ALL12227  12" x 24" Shelf, Black
          are great for polishing, cleaning                   ALL12228  12" x 36" Shelf, Black
          and many other uses around                          ALL12247  12" x 24" Shelf, Red
          the shop or when detailing a                        ALL12248  12" x 36" Shelf, Red
          vehicle. Different color towels
          keep jobs separated and help                      Cordless Drill Holders
          eliminate cross contamination                       Secure to shop wall or
          between various polishes or                       trailer to keep frequently
          cleaners. Package of 3.                           used cordless drills quick
                                                            at hand! Holder is 6-1/2"
                                                            wide and available in
          Oil Bottle Trays                                  white or black.
           Trays mount to shop or trailer wall                Part No.  Description
          and measure 4-1/2" deep making            ALL12265  ALL12202   White
          them perfectly sized to hold most
          quart oil containers. Trays are fabri-
          cated from 1/8" thick aluminum and feature
          a white powder coated fi nish.                     Push Broom Holder
            Part No.  Description                           ALL12204
           ALL12265  16" Long Tray                            Stop tripping over the push broom!
           ALL12268  21" Long Tray
                                                            Handy bracket mounts to the shop or trailer
                                                            wall to keep push brooms
          Aerosol                                           up off the fl oor. 9" wide
          Can Holders                                       steel bracket holds most
           Bolt to trailer or                               standard push brooms or
          garage wall to hold cans                          fl oor squeegees.
          up to 3" in diameter. Sturdy
          steel construction is pre-painted white.
           Part No.           Description
          ALL12200  Six Can Holder, 23" Long x 3-1/2" Deep x 5-1/2" Tall  Cord Reel Bracket ALL12206
          ALL12201 Three Can Holder, 11-1-2" Long x 3-1/2" Deep x 5-1/2" Tall  Steel bracket mounts most cord and
                                                            light reels parallel to trailer walls keep-
                                                            ing them from protruding into
          Aerosol Can Tray                                  the workspace while allowing
          ALL12264                                          cords to easily exit out the
           Bolt aluminum can tray in                        rear of the trailer. Mounting
          multiple locations of shop                        bracket is also useful when
          or trailer walls to keep                          mounting reels with 3" wide
          frequently used chemi-                            hanging brackets to the side
          cals neatly organized and                         of a pit cart.
          quickly accessible. Tray
          measures 16" long x 3-1/2" deep with a
          2-1/4" tall front lip.

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