P. 40

Universidad Técnica de Ambato
                                                     Carrera de Idiomas
                                                         Writing II
               Name: Cristina Paucar
               Date: November 10th 2017
               Choose one of the topics given in the assignment of unit 3 and write a cause and effect paragraph following all
               the steps.
                     Write about the effects of globalization on your country, region or city.

               Step 1: List
                     Growth economy
                     Ecuador exports petroleum and earn money.
                     People can get Easy information.
                     High technology
                     More ways to earn money.
                     People migration.
                     New costumes
                     Economy is not well shared equally.
                     Cities are in constantly expanding.
                     Poor people have to work hard

               Thesis Statement:
               Over the past forty of fifty years my country Ecuador has been involved for globalization. This globalization has
               had two important effects: The country can access to information and to the technology, and people from
               Ecuadorian cities have to migrate to have a better life.
               Step 2: Number
                     (2) Growth economy
                     Ecuador exports petroleum and earn money.
                     (1) People can get Easy information.
                     (1) High technology
                     (2) More ways to earn money.
                     (2) People migration.
                     (3) New costumes
                     (2) Economy is not well shared equally.
                     Cities are in constantly expanding.
                     Poor people have to work hard

                   Step 3: Cluster

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