P. 40
Universidad Técnica de Ambato
Carrera de Idiomas
Writing II
Name: Cristina Paucar
Date: November 10th 2017
Choose one of the topics given in the assignment of unit 3 and write a cause and effect paragraph following all
the steps.
Write about the effects of globalization on your country, region or city.
Step 1: List
Growth economy
Ecuador exports petroleum and earn money.
People can get Easy information.
High technology
More ways to earn money.
People migration.
New costumes
Economy is not well shared equally.
Cities are in constantly expanding.
Poor people have to work hard
Thesis Statement:
Over the past forty of fifty years my country Ecuador has been involved for globalization. This globalization has
had two important effects: The country can access to information and to the technology, and people from
Ecuadorian cities have to migrate to have a better life.
Step 2: Number
(2) Growth economy
Ecuador exports petroleum and earn money.
(1) People can get Easy information.
(1) High technology
(2) More ways to earn money.
(2) People migration.
(3) New costumes
(2) Economy is not well shared equally.
Cities are in constantly expanding.
Poor people have to work hard
Step 3: Cluster