P. 37

                                                     Carrera de Idiomas
                                                         Writing II
               Name: Cristina Paucar                                                         Date: October 28th, 2017

               Write a division essay about topic 1. Follow the writing steps suggested in your student book.
               In your essay identify the hook (type), additional sentence, thesis statement. Body paragraph: topic sentence,
               details, transitions. Conclusion: what type of conclusion is it?
               Note: 200 – 250
               Step 1
               In the world there are a lot of places with different traditions, culture  and costume, but Know I want to talk

               about the Ecuadorian culture. Do you know about Ecuadorian culture?
               Step 2
               People celebrate carnival
               People celebrate “Inti Raymi”
               “Día de los Difuntos”

               To “Día de los Difuntos” people cook “colada morada”
               Holy week people prepare “Fanesca”
               Amazon region prepare “Maito”
               In the cost region people are kind and friendly.
               In the sierra region people are shine.

               Amazon region people are outgoing.
               Step 3
               In the world there are a lot of places with different traditions, culture and costume, but Know I want to talk
               about the Ecuadorian culture. Do you know about Ecuadorian culture?
                   I.  In Ecuador there are four regions and people have different behavior and costumes.

                          A.  In the Amazon and in the Cost region people are extroverted and also their wear light
                          B.  In the Sierra region people are shine and introverted. People wear warm clothes.

                   II.  Traditions and costumes in Ecuador are special.
                          A.  People celebrate carnival in different ways, depend on the region.

                          B.  The celebration of “Inti Raymi” is to be thankful with the “Pacha Mama” to the earth
                          C.  The  “Día  de  los  Difuntos”  is  popular  around  the  country.  People  use  to  go  to  the

                              graves and give to died people food.
                   III. Gastronomy is also important in our country.
                          A.  In Holy week people usually cook “Fanesca”

                          B.  In “Día de los Difuntos” people prepare “colada morada” and “guaguas de pan”.
                          C.  Maito is prepare in the Amazon region.

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