P. 42

Step 5: Essay

                                             The Effects of Globalization in Ecuador

               Globalization is an economic process, technological and social-cultural progress. Almost 40 years ago
               my country, Ecuador, was involved in globalization. This globalization had two important effects: The

               country  could  access  to  information  and  technology,  and  people  from  Ecuadorian  cities  had  an
               increase in their economy.

                    Globalization created an unlimited access to information. It was, and it is still important in my
               country because almost 40 or 50 years ago people had to look for information in libraries and almost

               ever they didn’t find the information that they were looking for. Also, thanks to globalization people
               can be informed of things that happen around the world. For example, if there is any kind of natural

               disaster in the world, social media gives fast information about what is happening. Furthermore,
               people in my country can access to social media easily. For me, social media has advantages and

               disadvantages  in  our  country.  It  is  an  advantage  because  people  can  communicate  with  their
               relatives  that  live  in  other  countries.  Also,  people  can  be  in  touch  with  other  people  to  make

               business. But also, it is a disadvantage because people usually spend more time in social media than
               with their close relatives. Another reason why globalization was important in my country is because

               now we can have the highest technology to develop our country in several areas.
                    In  addition,  globalization  improved  Ecuadorian’s  life.  In  1884,  Ecuador  started  with  the

               exportation  of  cacao  and  banana.  In  2000,  Ecuador  had  an  economic  crisis  and  people  had  to

               migrate to other countries, especially to European countries. Migration was the best decision that
               people  could  take  in  that  moment  because  it  increased  the  incomes  of  families  and  also  to  the
               country. While people were migrating to other countries they could learn some new custom that

               foreign  countries  have.  For  instance,  people  celebrate  “Halloween”.  Halloween  is  celebrated  on

               October  31  but  there  is  a  big  problem  in  my  country  because  the  same  day  is  the  day  of  the
               Ecuadorian  flag,  but  people  have  forgotten  the  importance  to  show  reverence  to  our  national

               symbol and prefer to celebrate other foreign festivals.
                    To sum up, globalization is a word which means change. For me, globalization has positive and

               negatives  effects.  For  example,  Ecuador  can  increase  its  incomes  while  the  exportation  of  raw
               material, in contrast Ecuador can’t export processed products and it means a great loss of money.

               Also, Ecuador has been able to acquire new technology to use it in several areas such as medicine
               and education. Moreover, people can learn about other cultures and be in touch with their relatives

               in other countries.

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