Page 6 - The Helping Mammoth
P. 6

he came. He was enveloped by  hides,  and he
               thundered throughout the day about the nursery, and
               blew the fireplace pots down. "This is a magnificent
               spot," he stated, "we should ask the Hail on a visit."
               So the Hail came. Consistently for three hours he

               shook on the top of the château till he broke the
               majority of the slates, and afterward he kept running
               all around the greenhouse as quick as he could go.
               He was wearing dark, and his breath resembled ice.

               "I  can't  comprehend  why  the  Spring  is  so  late  in
               coming," said the Childish Goliath, as he sat at the
               window and watched out at his virus white
               greenhouse; "I trust there will be an adjustment in
               the climate."

               Be that as it may, the Spring never came, nor the
               Late spring. The Harvest time gave brilliant organic
               product to each garden, however to the

               Goliath's greenhouse she gave none. "He is

               excessively  narrow  minded," she said. So  it was

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