Page 9 - The Helping Mammoth
P. 9

nursery, and in it was standing a young man. He was
               small to the point that he couldn't reach up to the
               parts of the tree, and he  was  meandering
               surrounding it, crying sharply. Poor people tree was
               still very secured with ice and snow, and the North

               Wind was blowing and thundering above it. "Move
               up!  young  man," said the Tree, and it bowed its
               branches down as low as possible; however the kid
               was excessively small.

               Furthermore, the Mammoth's heart liquefied as he
               watched out. "How childish I have been!" he said;
               "presently I know why the Spring would not come
               here. I will put that poor young man on the highest
               point of the tree, and afterward I will thump down

               the divider,  and my greenhouse will be  the
               youngsters' play area  for ever and ever." He was
               actually quite upset for what he had done.

               So he crawled first floor and opened the front
               entryway delicately, and went out into the nursery.
               In any case, when the youngsters saw him they were
               frightened  to  the  point  that  they  all  fled,  and  the
               nursery progressed toward becoming winter once

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