Page 13 - Active Adult Buyers Guide
P. 13

The decision to purchase a new home             Whether you are looking for a
                        in an active adult community is an              community that allows you to
                        important one. You’ll want to choose            swim (every day) or a quiet close-
                        a neighborhood that affords a carefree          knit neighborhood, my expertise in
                        lifestyle filled with your favorite             knowing the in’s and out’s of each
                        activities and time spent with your             community in our area will ensure a
                        loved ones and friends.                         choice that you will love for years to
                        This makes it all the more important
                        to work with a real estate agent who is         Being a certified Senior Real
                        familiar with each of the communities           Estate Specialist, I specialize in the
                        in our area. Your real estate specialist        Fredericksburg area 55+ communities.
                        will be an important guide in helping           I help active adults find the right home
                        you to find the perfect fit.                    and community to fit their life style.

                        My extensive knowledge of the Stafford          Taking care of people while crossing
                        and Fredericksburg area’s active adult          the T’s and dotting the I’s is where I am
                        communities has served to aid many              at my best. Allow me the opportunity
                        homebuyers in finding the ideal                 to guide you in making this exciting
                        community to settle into and enjoy              change in your life, so that you can
                        their retirement years. I excel at taking       relax and enjoy the good life!
                        care of others and managing the finer
 WHY WORK WITH          details of the home buying process.




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