P. 1

RESEARCH                            able to deliver a lesson

           ASSIGNMENT PART B:                  regardless of the

           GROUP ASSIGNMENT                    availability or lack thereof
                                               resources. It means

           GROUP: STEVE                        walking into a classroom
           TSHWETE SECONDARY                   and be able to teach all

           SCHOOL                              kinds of learners.
                                               Irregadless of their
           GROUP MEMBERS:
           STUDENT NUMBER:                     differences and learning        Figure 2informal settlement in

           802028415                           needs.
                                               SCHOOL CONTEXT                 in the school, for
                                               School environment             example most of the
                                                                              learners rely on the
                                               The school is situated in
                                                                              feeding scheme
                                               the middle of a township

                                               and for this reason it is

                                               affected by activities that
           Figure 1my learners.
                                               are taking place at a

                                               given time in the
                                               community. If there are        Figure 6learners rely on feeding
                                               protests in the

                                               community, the school is       programme in the school
          Figure 4olievenhoutbosch                                              to receive a meal for the

                                                                                day. Poverty around the
                                                                                environment is evident

                                                                                in the school in terms of
                                                                                the quality/state of

                                                                                uniform worn by

                                             Figure 3typical pic of a protest.   learners and how some
               INTRODUCTION                                                   learners would bunk
                                               also affected. The
               Being an ideal teacher          community is                   school and rather go and
               means a lot of things to
               me, it means being              overcrowded with a lot of
               prepared to learn, adjust       people living in informal
               and be determined.              housing. The socio-
               Being an ideal teacher
               requires one to be able         economic status of the         Figure 5example of the torn uniform learners
               to walk into any kind of        community has a bearing        wear.
               classroom and still be
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