P. 4
they can go back 3. An innovative and drinking straws to
to their creative teacher do experiments
communities and The school because the
educate others, requires a teacher school does not
including their that will not be have testing
parents who have scared to try new cylinders and so
very little ways of teaching. forth. A physical
knowledge. The The school has education teacher
ideal teacher in limited resources does not have
this school should mainly resulting exercising carpets
understand that from so they must ask
learners look up to
us and learn how
to treat others the
way they see us
treating other
people. A teacher overcrowding, learners to bring
in this school must therefore the towels from home
have qualities of school needs a to use. The school
respecting the self teacher that will needs an ideal
and others, come up with teacher who will
embracing shoe string think out of the
diversity and not resources to box rather than
shy away from enhance teaching sitting and waiting
pointing out that and learning. The for the
we are different as teacher must be government to act
human beings but creative in thinking before they can do
at the same time it of ways that will things. The school
is those make learning also needs a
differences that make sense to the teacher who
makes us a learners. For understands that
beautiful species. example, science sometimes they
teachers must
will have to share
bring a glass and