P. 2
work on a Friday to their utmost best to make their classroom
support themselves. ensure that teaching and learning more authentic,
Parental involvement is for example, history
still a challenge in the learners were taken on a
school. Although the trip to the apartheid
school management museum in SOWETO,
make efforts to involve sciences learners were
the parents in school taken on an educational
related issues, parents excursion in the aviation
are still very reluctant to school in Pretoria while
avail themselves to work English learners were
learning takes place. The
with the school to bring taken to an arts theatre
school has a team of
progress. in Pretoria as well. These
dedicated educators who proves that teachers in
perform well despite the the school make efforts
challenges. FET classes
to enhance teaching and
The lower grades still have 21 century learning and understand
struggle with insufficient facilities where each that learning is not
furniture which results in class has a smart board confined to a classroom
difficulties as learners which enhances teaching alone.
have to share tables and and learning. Teachers
chairs, therefore issues and learners are able to The “ideal” teacher
of discipline arise in the use these devices to needed in the
deliver authentic, school context
exciting, and inclusive
lessons and at the same
time equip learners with
skills required in the 4
industrial revolution.
Teaching and learning
classroom. Besides does not only end in the
challenges with furniture classroom in this school, 1. A Positive role
and overcrowding in the learners are taken out on model
classrooms, teachers try educational excursions to