P. 3
Because of the a caring teacher settlement and for
challenges arising who will this reason, there
understand that are a lot of foreign
they are not only nationals residing
learners, but some in the area.
of them are heads Sometime
of families who xenophobic
needs extra protests happens
support to in the community
from the socio-
succeed in school. and as teachers in
economic status in
Some of the the school, we
the community,
learners are have to educate
the school needs
young, single out learners about
a teacher who will
mothers, some embracing
be a positive role
pregnant with no
model to the
support system so
learners. The
they need a
learners need
teacher who will
motivation that
guide them and
they can become
encourage them
anything in life Figure 8teachers
to stay in school.
that they put their differences and
2. One who
minds into and respecting all
with education human beings.
doors of success Learners need to
The school is
understand what
situated in an area
with a lot of
Figure 7engaging with the learner. our constitution
says about
will open for them.
informal differences so that
The learners need