Page 3 - Meadowlands secondary School brochure complete.
P. 3

SCHOOL CONTEXT                                beer halls, which unfortunately               It also becomes easier for teachers
                                                             expose learners to alcohol and                to code switch in the classroom to
               HISTORY OF THE SCHOOL.
                                                             other narcotic substances such as             ensure clear understanding,
               Meadowlands secondary school                  cigarette, dagga, nyaope and many             although English is the medium of
               was established in 1955. It is a              other harmful substances. This                instruction, teachers often switch to
               government school that is situated            furthermore exposes learner to                the leaners home language to
               at meadowlands which is a section             more inappropriate conduct which              explain certain contents so that
               in Soweto Township. Since the                 are in opposition to the school code          learners understand better.
               establishment of the school in 1955,          of conduct such as bunking school,            SCHOOL PLAYGROUND.
               The school has been known to                  gambling inside the school
               improve the education system of               premises and undermining                      The school support extra mural
               future leaders in the local area.             teachers.                                     activities, by its various sports
                                                                                                           activities and its big playground.

                                                                                                           During life
                                                                                                           period on
                                                                       HOME LANGUAGE.
               5Typical aerial view of meadowlands           The school accommodate different                   Online video showing learners playing netball
                                                                                                                and soccer at the school. Click to play.
               SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT                            leaners from different background             Fridays, leaners are afforded an
                                                             with different multilingual since it
               As mentioned in the school history,           offers six home languages in its              opportunity to go outside and
               the school is based in                        curriculum.                                   participate in sports activities.
               Meadowlands Soweto Township, in                                                             Sometimes they even go outside to
               the middle of the section, close to           By offering these languages the               dance and embrace their different
                                                             school, ensures that many learners            culture. Which is another way of
                                                             are afforded the opportunity to               accommodating learners from
                                                             embrace their own culture and                 different cultural backgrounds.
                                                             language through the curriculum.

                Figure 6 A Tavern opposite the school.

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