Page 5 - Meadowlands secondary School brochure complete.
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are they behaving in a certain way, content knowledge so that he can
because for us an ideal teacher touch the hearts, and minds of
believes that there is a reason why many learners, so that they can be
learners behave the way they future leaders who will contribute
behave, leaners don’t just meaningfully to the economy of the
misbehave, you must find that the country.
certain behavior is practiced at
home and the leaner doesn’t know Credits.
if it’s wrong or appropriate to
PERSONAL AND 9teacher workshop.
Meadowlands s school is one of the
developed schools around Gauteng
province, therefore an ideal teacher
in this school needs to mind his/her
professional and personal
development so as to be strategic
during his lessons, as well as
familiarizing himself with the 4ir
resources in the classroom. This he
can do by attending workshops,
furthering his studies through
different institutions and of course CONCLUSION.
collaborating with other teachers.
Based on the school context, it is
Some of the resources that a clear that this school needs an ideal
teacher must be able to use in the teacher who is firm and
school classrooms. knowledgeable both in his teaching
philosophy and his pedagogical
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