Page 28 - Business Building Guide
P. 28

Prepare  Present  Partner with Your Mentor

          You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. Partnering with an upline mentor can dramatically increase your own success
          and that of your downline. Set clear expectations from the beginning to create an environment for long-term success where your
          relationship can grow right along with both of you. Have fun as you work hard and smart together. Share with your upline mentor
          your hopes and dreams and ask them about theirs.
          Although ideal, not every builder has an upline mentor. In fact, some of dōTERRA’s most successful builders did not have immediate
          upline support. This guide is designed as a complete training so everyone has the basics needed to succeed. Ultimately, your level
          of success is up to you. If needed, find someone else who can serve as your strategizing and accountability partner.

          A mentoring relationship is a partnership. Make the most of working together by creating the clarity invited below.

                                Mentor                                               Builder

           What You Can Expect of Your Mentor                   What Is Expected of You
           1.  Believes in You. Cares about your success. Believes what you    1.  Be Coachable. Trust proven processes and
              say you want. Believes you will do what it takes to achieve it.      recommendations; consider new ideas and strategies.

           2.  Is Positive. Sees the best in you and your possibilities.   2.  Be Positive. Enthusiasm is contagious with customers and
                                                                   builders during presentations and events at home.
           3.  Is Honest. Gives useful feedback. Levels with you.
              Operates with integrity.                          3.  Work Hard. Keep the success schedule you set. Do what
                                                                   you say you will do. Above all, seek to serve.
           4.  Stays Focused on Fundamentals. Helps you keep the main
              thing the main thing. Partners as you move through    4.  Learn Earnestly. Watch, read, and study product and
              the 5 Steps to Success.                              business training. Always be a student of your business.
           5.  Coaches from experience, not just theory.        5.  Be Honest and Accountable. Consistently measure results
                                                                   together through regular connections. Level with your
           Determine When To Call Your Mentor                      mentor when difficulties arise.

           1. What is the situation?                            6.  Find a Way, Not an Excuse. Honor your commitments to
                                                                   yourself. Anything worthwhile involves hard work, frustration,
           2. What are my options?                                 and persistence. Be resilient when difficulties arise. There
           3. What do I think I should do?                         may come a time, for whatever reason, you “drop off.” If this
                                                                   happens, how would you like your mentor to respond?
           Come up with your own solutions first. At this point,
           if you need other options, call your mentor.         Inspired by Chapter 3 of Being the Starfish by Neal Anderson

            Tips for Successful Strategy Sessions

            1.  Schedule regular, recurring connections with your mentor.  4.  Call your mentor at the appointed time.
            2.  Choose the best way to connect (e.g., daily AM & PM texts    5.   Come prepared to gather insights and discover solutions,
               and/or weekly calls).                             rather than expecting your mentor to solve things for you.
                                                                 Turn to your mentor for strategy, not therapy.
            3.  Text or email prior to each Strategy Session a
               few specifics on successes and challenges you   6.   Utilize consistent personal development to surpass
               experienced in the last week to be acknowledged and   limitations and to be better prepared to find solutions
               addressed. Consider using the Strategy Check-In.   and strategies that work.
               (Print Strategy Check-In from Empowered Success >   7.  Your upline will match your energy. Invest in your
               Tools Library > at
                                                                  success and they’ll invest in you.

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