Page 6 - technochronicles brochure
P. 6
The seven schools of VIT Chennai which grounds that offer them varieties of
represent the eight large branches into
their favorite treats. All work and no
which the university is divided, will be play makes Jack a dull boy, and hence,
hosting this event together under seven
there is also a large showcasing of
banners. They are Connectivitee, Diseno,
creative talent and fun events amon g
Glitz, Qubit, VITness, VSplash, and
these technical events as well. The
Tai:kunn. There is a carnival-like
resounding beats of music and dance
atmosphere for the three days of this
can be heard all through the festival,
technical festival on the campus grounds
with students shaking a leg to various
with bright and beaming smiles among
popular songs. For people who prefer
the participants. The festivities light up not
the world of the quieter art forms, there
only the faces of the students but also
are various exhibitions of paintings and
those of the faculties, who take in the
dramatics as well. technoVIT always
delights of the fest with equal glee. All
lives up to its name of being one of the
through the year, students eagerly await
premier college extravaganzas in the
this extravaganza. Not only do the
country and missing out on it is simply
students look forward to learn while
not an option! Mark the dates on your
participating in the various workshops,
calenders - 18th, 20th and 21st
they also look forward to the mouth-
September 2019. So, see you there this
watering food stalls set up throughout the
year at technoVIT'19!