Page 4 - Resource Booklet
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ADHD: TORONTO                                                                  ADHD: TORONTO

                                                                                         Contact information: Behaviour Matters

          Contact information:                                                           Address: 130 Bridgeland Ave.,
          Springboard                                                                    Suite LL02, Toronto, ON, M6A
          Address: 1055 Yonge St.,                                                       Phone: 416-655-4194 (Tania
          Suite 301, Toronto, ON, M4W                                                    Da Silva, director)
          Phone: 416-901-3077
          Fax: 416-901-3079                                                    
          Email:                                              Website:
          Website :
                                                                                         Services provided: child and youth services: social skills, emotional
                                                                                         regulation and self-esteem group programs, individual counselling and
          Services provided: assessment; treatment; group coaching;                      family counselling
          professional development; support for partners                                 Parenting: individual and family counselling, positive parenting group,
                                                                                         defeating defiance group and alienating anxiety group
          Ages: All ages                                                                 ABA/IBI: Behaviour therapy for children, skills assessment, functional
                                                                                         behaviour assessment, parent coaching, consultations, classroom
          Fees: partially covered by OHIP, covered under extended benefits               support. 1:1 therapy, classroom support
          (Psych, OT), work disability and OSAP
                                                                                         Ages:  children, teens and parents
          Referral process:  Referral from Doctor
                                                                                         Fees: provides comprehensive resource list for funding
          Master’s level Options: Yes
                                                                                         Referral Process: Contact the agency

                                                                                         Master level options:  Yes
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