Page 5 - Resource Booklet
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ADHD: TORONTO                                                                  ADHD: NIAGARA REGION

          Contact information:  Adventure Place:                                         Contact information: Pathstone Mental
          Child and Family Centre                                                        Health

          Address: 155 McNicoll Ave. Toronto, ON,                                        Address: 1338 Fourth Ave. St Catharines,
          M2H 2C1                                                                        ON L2S 0G1

          Phone: 416-744-7650                                                            Phone: 905-688-6850

          Fax: 416-744-8055                                                              Fax: 905-688-6850

          Email:                                               Email:

          Website:                                             Website:
          Services  provided:  community-based  treatment  and  support  (0-7):          Services provided: Family intervention,  early years program, group
          consultation,  counselling,  treatment  groups,  intensive  home  support,     therapies  for  children  with  anxiety  and  challenging  behaviors,
          triple  p  parenting,  speech  and  language,  child  care  support,  better   discipline training for parents and school-based programs
          beginnings now; Day Treatment section 23 (4-7)
                                                                                         Ages: birth-18 years
          Ages: children up to 12
                                                                                         Fees:  Counselling  services  offered  to  children  are  free.  Assessments
          Fees: Registered charity.  No fee.                                             range from $1000-$2000. There is a fee for family counselling, but cost
                                                                                         is disclosed during initial assessment.
          Referral Process: Contact intake directly
                                                                                         Referral Process: Self-referral
          Master level options: N/A
                                                                                         Master level options: A practicum is offered
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