Page 4 - course selection instructions
P. 4


              COURSE TYPES

              You will be asked to select eight courses.  In consultation with your grade eight teacher, you
              and your parents should understand the high school credit system and know which course

              types are best suited for you. Picking the right course type will ensure your success and
              help you meet your goals. It will also ensure that you are able to earn eight credits in grade 9
              because you will be enrolled in classes that will meet your programming needs and abilities.

              Your grade eight teacher and/or guidance counsellor will also have provided you with two
              great resources to help you.  Both the after 8 and/or Transition Guide for Parents will help
                              you understand the differences in course types.

                                     Page 10


                                                 Page 8


              LOG IN INFORMATION

              In order for you to LOGIN and pick your courses for next year, you must know your TCDSB
              student email address and password.

                         If  you  have  never  used  myBlueprint,  or  have  forgotten  your  TCDSB  login
             information, please ask your grade eight teacher for this information  BEFORE you start this

             process.    If you have been using myBlueprint in grade 8 simply login to your myBlueprint
                account as usual and follow the step by step instructions that follow.

              December 2020                                               
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