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May 2015 3CX Drilldown 5
New 3CX WebMeeting server
delivers affordable, robust solution
to web conferencing market
Why is the 3CX WebMeeting Server InterviewbyDougGreen –
classroom features, such as screen
sharing, polling, raise hand and feedback, users can keep their
In February, 3CX announced the release of its on-premise audience engaged, which increases
3CX WebMeeting Server is the
web conferencing solution, 3CX WebMeeting Server. 3CX the overly positive experience of the
irst on-premise web conferencing web conference session and enhances
solution that leverages Google’s described the solution as revolutionary because of it being inter-personal relationships over the
WebRTC technology. 3CX was a web.
forerunner in the adoption of the an open standard, easy to install and low cost approach to
technology, which enables video and web conferencing. By using WebRTC as a key ingredient, Can we stage presentations or even
voice communication to take place webinars?
through the internet browser, meaning 3CX is offering a major league solution at price smaller irms
that participants can seamlessly
can afford. This swings open the door to applications that Yes, presentations and webinars are an
join meetings without the need to important feature of 3CX WebMeeting.
download any additional software or until now were hard to pull off at an SMB. I interviewed We ourselves are using this feature on
plug-ins. By being open standard it’s a regular basis to host trainings for our Q
easy to install and manage as well
Nick Galea, CEO of 3CX on the release.
3CX Partners and so far the feedback
as a low cost solution. Furthermore, has been throughout positive.
one deployment of 3CX WebMeeting Does this mean I don’t need third
Server allows company wide use for party companies to deliver webinars
global meetings with customers and colleagues alike.
or conferencing?
competitive pricing with advanced features. To add to that, low cost,
billion devices are expected to use and support WebRTC.
yet high quality video hardware can
The solution is deined as on-prem. With 3CX WebMeeting you break
be used because of open standards. How does WebRTC open news doors
Why does this turn out to have
free from third party companies to Customers are tired of extortionate for access?
an advantage over cloud-based deliver webinars and conferences. pricing and conferencing systems that
Fully integrated with 3CX Phone are dificult to maintain. This is where WebRTC gives easy access to various
System, 3CX WebMeeting is delivered 3CX steps in: To offer an industry communication channels because it
In the last few years data security as a hosted add-onn, meaning that irst, low-cost, on-premise web is an open standard project which can
has been an important and sensitive 3CX customers can easily enjoy web conferencing solution.
be deployed easily. For the end user
topic. In this regard, an on-premise conferencing, with the full range of WebRTC enables access to many IT-
solution is still the best choice for features.
3CX WebMeeting Server uses solutions that were too expensive in
many companies. As an on-premise WebRTC. This is such a new the past for SMBs and therefore only
solution 3CX WebMeeting Server Is this approach cost effective? How technology- can we rely on it?
available to bigger companies. This
serves up the same functionality and does the actual cost of ownership opens the door for smaller companies
ease of use, whilst at the same time compare to paying cloud fees or Many users feared that hackers might to offer extraordinary customer
offering complete peace of mind to other on prem?
be able to listen in on conferences, support solutions and take their game
organizations requiring full control access user data of private networks to the next level.
of their data. For corporations acting 3CX WebMeeting Server is deinitely due to WebRTC’s open-source Will this be easier for non-technical
in information-sensitive markets
this is an essential requirement. a cost effective solution compared
to other on-premise offers. Where technology. However, WebRTC is addressing security concerns with
employees to use?
Further, for companies of a certain previously companies would have a set of non-optional native built-in It will be easy to use for non-technical
size, cloud-based solutions might not had to spend hundreds of thousands security and encryption features. employees, because there is no
be comprehensive enough to ensure of dollars on proprietary solutions, WebRTC offers end-to-end encryption need to install any software, clients
capacity needs are met.
which requires extensive training and between peers on almost any server or plugins in order to get started.
set-up time, 3CX leverages the best ensuring safe, private and secure WebRTC solutions are very intuitive
Can you compare the quality of characteristics of WebRTC technology real-time communication. Additionally, to use and do not require any prior IT
service to other major industry for a cost effective solution. The the technology uses the DTLS knowledge.
alternatives (we compare and pricing structure itself holds an (Datagram Transport Layer Security)
contrast, but no need to mention additional advantage.
method, on which eavesdropping
How does an easy to use system
by name the alternatives, just heir According to the company’s need and information tampering cannot impact actual engagement?
you can scale up and down depending take place. On the video and audio We believe that the easier a system
on how many meeting participants data level information is secured by is, the engagement level increases
Competition in the market is naturally you want and this will have an affect applying the SRTP (Secure Real-Time naturally. If a system is overly
quite intensive and most players on your total bill.
Protocol) method that makes sure that complex non tech employees may
regard quality of the service as a This is especially useful for SMB’s, IP communication can not be heard or leave service unused. Further, if
driving force for their success. 3CX who previously were forced to buy seen by unauthorised parties. These a system is integrated fully in the
WebMeeting stands out from the
expensive packages for hundreds
are only a few security measures used telecommunication solutions and
rest as it sets new pricing standards of participants, when in fact they
to avoid malicious intrusion. WebRTC hence an integral part of it, users make
in the video conferencing industry. As other web conferencing software only need 30 or 40 slots. The choice between 3CX WebMeeting Server is no longer just an idea, but a real hands-on technology and far from much more use of it.
continues to be expensive to install compared to a cloud-based solution on being only a “work in progress” any Is there more to this than simple
and maintain as well as proprietary, the other hand really is something that longer. Analysts also predict that by conferencing?
3CX WebMeeting Server offers highly
depends on the company, its needs, 2019 more than 2 billion people and 6
policies and on their data security Yes, 3CX Webmeeting uses WebRTC
requirements and management. technology not only for voice and
Further, if the end user has their
video conferencing, but adds plenty of
own IT infrastructure in place an features that increase productivity for WebRTC offers end-to-end encryption between
on-premise solution might make the user.
peers on almost any server ensuring safe, private
more sense from both a inancial
and technical point of view. In either Can we share information? Can we and secure real-time communication... the
case, 3CX’s product range can cater whiteboard?
technology uses the DTLS (Datagram Transport
all requirements as both solutions
are available through our Channel Information can be easily shared Layer Security)
between participants. With our
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