Page 5 - AvayaExtra Q3 Fall 2014
P. 5
Third Quarter 2014
Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya
■@Comm’s CommView 2.1 call accounting Letter of Compliance on February 21, 2014 for
solution now rated “Avaya Compliant” interoperability with Avaya’s IP Oice release
At Comm Corporation (@Comm), a leader 9.0. his achievement extends the market reach AVAYA
in call accounting and reporting announced of the OMNIWorks solution.
today that CommView’s 2.1 is compliant with OMNIWorks is a lexible, cost-efective, Affiliate Program
key solutions from Avaya, a global provider scalable contact center solution from MedTel.
of business collaboration and communication Intended for medium-sized to large businesses,
sotware and services.
OMNIWorks has been designed to grow
CommView helps businesses of all shapes with the company that utilizes it, as the
and sizes protect and better manage their
solution can be easily adjusted and expanded
voice networks. Businesses can easily add CommView’s cloud or premise solution to any to accommodate increased workloads. his solution promptly handles incoming customer GROW AND PROFIT
new or existing phone system. Typical beneits enquiries and based on its skills routing engine
experienced are a reduction in telecom-related directs calls, emails, and faxes to the proper
expenses, increased employee productivity and departments, as well as capably manages the IN THE
improved voice network security.
various tools and reports that every contact
@Comm’s CommView provides center requires to operate eiciently.
comprehensive call accounting and reporting In addition to the OMNIWorks solution, IP TELEPHONY
capability too any Small, Midsized as well
MedTel Services provides its clients with a host
as Large Enterprises regardless of network
of high-quality telecommunication solutions.
size. he CommView application is now hese include a variety of oice phone systems, MARKET
successfully compliance-tested by Avaya
alarms management solutions, and Cloud-
for compatibility with Avaya Aura® Session based VoIP. All of MedTel’s products beneit
Manager 6.3 and Avaya Aura® Communication from the expertise that the company has
Manager 6.3. Avaya Solution Interoperability nurtured during their 40+ years of experience
Test Lab successfully conducted various tests in the telecommunications industry.
including verifying SMDR’s that was sent to the
CommView application. Several call scenarios ■CCT ContactPro is now Rated “Avaya
were also tested including, inbound and Compliant”
outbound PSTN calls, transfers, conference and CCT Deutschland GmbH, a leading company
call forwarding.
@Comm is a Technology Partner in the for comprehensive uniied communications and contact center solutions for large and
Avaya DevConnect program — an initiative
medium-sized companies, has announced that
to develop, market and sell innovative third- the most recent version of ContactPro has
party products that interoperate with Avaya been successfully tested for interoperability
technology and extend the value of a company’s with key contact center solutions from Avaya,
investment in its network. As a Technology a global provider of business collaboration and
Partner, @Comm is eligible to submit products communication sotware and services.
for compliance testing by the Avaya Solution CCT ContactPro helps businesses leverage
Interoperability and Test Lab.
their existing Avaya infrastructure while
here, a team of Avaya engineers develops
decreasing contact center costs and increasing
a comprehensive test plan for each application customer satisfaction. he latest version,
to verify whether it is Avaya compatible. Doing CCT ContactPro version 3 has successfully
so enables businesses to conidently add best- completed Avaya DevConnect Compliance
in-class capabilities to their network without Testing with Avaya Aura® Communication
having to replace their existing infrastructure— Manager 6.3, Avaya Aura® Application
speeding deployment of new applications
Enablement Services 6.3 and Avaya Interaction
and reducing both network complexity and Center 7.3.
implementation costs.
ContactPro is a modular and customizable
■client-server solution which provides a
uniied interface for handling all inbound and
MedTel Services Successfully Completes Avaya DevConnect Compliance Testing
outbound channels deployed by the contact
An industry leader in developing center. he latest version features new modules
telecommunication solutions for the business like Outbound Campaign Management,
world, MedTel Services has reported that its Supervisor and Report enhancements as well as
Contact Center sotware solution OMNIWorks enriched presence capabilities. In addition to
has passed Avaya DevConnect Compliance English and German, it is now also available in
Testing. OMNIWorks was oicially awarded the
Spanish and Dutch.
CCT Wins Avaya “Contact Center
Partner of the Year 2014” Award
CT Deutschland GmbH, a German “Contact Center” category.
systems integrator for uniied “We are especially proud to be one of few
companies who have been honored repeatedly,”
communications and customer service
solutions, has been recognized as “Avaya said Uwe Kreuter, Managing Director, CCT.
Contact Center Partner of the Year 2014” for “his award is a testament to the fantastic work
the second consecutive year. he certiicate and our teams do at all our locations. “
the prize were presented on 2nd July, during CCT, an Avaya Gold Partner, provides
the Avaya Partner Connection & TechShare all services related to complex call center
Day in Leipzig, Germany.
and uniied communications projects,
Each year, Avaya presents the “Partner of sophisticated multimedia solutions, and
the Year“award to companies who contribute intelligent portal solutions – from consulting
notedly to growth, success and quality. he and implementation to maintenance and
award is to emphasize that the drivers for top service. he company has also developed CCT
performances and joint success are quality ContactPro, a lexible and modular cross-
products and solutions as well as a motivated media contact management solution which is
and well coordinated team.
deployed complementary to Avaya products
herefore, in an award ceremony each year, and clients. TR
Avaya recognizes the best partners in multiple For more information visit cct-solutions.
categories and CCT has won the prize in the
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