Page 6 - AvayaExtra Q3 Fall 2014
P. 6

6 Telecom Reseller: Extra Report on Avaya
Third Quarter 2014
Avaya Evolves Avaya 
for channel partners to achieve a higher level 
status for their chosen business model and
Enhances its
Connect Channel Partner
to distinguish themselves based on their 
expertise. Highly lexible, the program supports 
both capex and opex sales models, allowing 
ICM Platform
channel partners to support premise, cloud
and hybrid cloud models. hey can also take 
a ‘full stack’ approach to the Avaya solution 
for Voice
portfolio, or they can focus on a particular 
area such as networking or contact center and A
still diferentiate their expertise and gain the Experts designations: enterprise uniied vaya Inc. announced changes to its 
Management inancial beneits for their solution area.
communications and contact center, midmarket Avaya Connect Channel Partner 
he program changes go into efect on uniied communications and contact center, program to advance partner expertise
October 1, 2014 with Avaya’s iscal 2015, allowing partners a transition year during networking and video. To achieve the Solution Expert designation in any one of these areas, in successfully solving customers’ challenges using Avaya Collaboration technologies. he 
Awhich they can earn their status levels based on partners need to acquire credentials in sales program changes will help channel partners 
votus Corporation, the
current or new requirements, whichever works and design, achieve certain revenue thresholds diferentiate their respective companies and 
leading provider of Intelligent
in their favor.
as proof of their experience, and demonstrate help drive a high-quality end-to-end, customer 
Communications Management Avaya Connect Channel Partners can view customer satisfaction. he Silver, Gold and experience.
(ICM) solutions, announces that it has a replay of Worldwide Channel Vice President Platinum level status will be determined based Changes to the Avaya Connect Partner 
enhanced its award-winning ICM Usage Richard Steranka’s presentation and the on the number of Solution Expert designations Program includes revisions to the requirements 
Management tool (ICM UM). Avotus ICM announcement being made today in the Avaya achieved by each partner company.
for achieving Silver, Gold and Platinum level 
UM version 8.4 provides new product Virtual Partner Forum. TR
he changes to the program make it easier
status and the introduction of six new Solution
features and improvements designed to 
make the solution even more intuitive
and valuable for users. ICM UM 8.4 ofers 
unsurpassed visibility into an enterprise’s 
telecom assets to better track and manage 
communications usage and expense.
“Avotus is dedicated to our clients and 
perpetually works to enhance our suite
of ICM products,” states Avotus CEO 
James Martino. “his ICM UM 8.4 release, 
upgrades one of our longest-running platforms. For 30 years, Avotus has been
a leader in the voice usage management 
industry. More than 2,000 enterprises use 
the ICM UM platform and will beneit from 
this feature-rich and highly compatible 
ofering. ICM UM 8.4 is a key component 
of the ICM suite of products, which provide 
enhanced visibility, savings and data 
management for our clients.”
Avotus ICM UM 8.4 is an advanced call 
accounting tool that delivers organized, 
comprehensive and detailed reporting on 
an organization’s communications spend 
across wireline, wireless, VoIP and legacy 
platforms. Using information gathered 
from ICM UM 8.4’s customizable reports, 
telecom administrators can better track and 
manage communications expense across
all corporate platforms, manage assets and better track business success.

Key ICM UM 8.4 beneits:
Enhanced System Reliability and 
Dependability – ICM UM delivers
an accurate and comprehensive view
of corporate telecom assets and usage. 
Providing extensive, real-time Call Detail 
Record (CDR) tracking and accounting, 
ICM UM 8.4 strengthens client reporting 
and helps them to accurately predict 
business costs.
Improved User Experience – ICM UM 
8.4 provides new compliance functions, 
along with enhancements to traic 
processing, inventory and the purge of 
traic data.
Customizable to Better Meet Unique 
Corporate Needs – Customizable reporting formats, enhanced geographic data and 
real-time views into usage of corporate 
communications assets, deliver cost-efective 
support for long-term resource, market 
planning and fraud prevention.
New Product Features and Enhancements 
● Compliance with Windows Server 2012 
● Compliance with SQL Server 2012
● Avaya “Blue” (CS1000) LD02 Traic
Processing Improvement
● Avaya “Blue” (CS1000) LD02 Inventory
● Traic Data Purge
● 14 updates – including PDF runtime
and report coniguration help page
More at TR

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