Page 18 - July August 2014
P. 18
Telecom Reseller
19 March/April 2014
July/August 2014
Telecom Reseller
Avoiding the Single
sk A ro
Connect and Communicate Connect and Communicate
Inc. Inc.
Biggest TEM Mistake
QIs an MDM solution required to support BYOD? comparable levels of service. The biggest
We Buy business effect will be inancial. Incentives
Save money by extending the life
Your Excess
Support A1
MDM (Mobile Device Management) to migrate to IP services will be offered by
Telecom & A
ur existing equipment.
software is not required to support carriers and prices for legacy services will
BYOD; however, data security tops the list increase to encourage early migration. %
Trunking Products C
of enterprise concerns for mobile users. A
capabilities sought by enterprises from TEM
vendors. Whether these capabilities are satisied
Installation variety of me
thods forsecuring data are
A1’s repair services will save you money by increasing
available, but the ultimate determination
by Timothy C. Colwell, Senior
the life of your equipment. Our technicians are fully
Vice President of Global Business
From products to training,
of how to secure data within a BYOD pro-
TEM vendor is performing the work, a common
gram is dependent upon speciic business
from installation services to excess purchasing,
mistake made by enterprises as they deploy Analytics,
trained in the planning, coniguration, programming
The key to suc-
a TEM solution is failure to adapt and evolve
telecom management processes. All too oten,
and installation of telecom systems. In addition, all elecom Expense Management (TEM)
an enterprise deinecs tehessscofpue olf TteEMlesecrvoicems
What does PSTN transitioning mean for busi-
repairs are backed by a two-year warranty.
A We continue to redefine independent distribution within the telecommunications and networking channel nesses?
PSTN transitioning will decommis-
vendors ofer various technologies, from the perspective of the way in which they are
through an unmatched dedication to quality and service. We’ll help you connect and communicate.
professional services and outsourced
sion the traditional switched telephone
currently being performed. Manual processes
80.797.2983network and replace it with an IP-based
aBryeTmimiortrhoyreCd. CionlwaelTl,ESMeniovreVnidceoPr’rsetseidcehnnt ofloGgloyboarl
services. Asset and service inventory
ISO 9001
ISO 9001
Business Analytics AOTMP
w.a1teletronics.comnetwork. Measures are being established
management, contract management, service
processes are outsourced as is and results are
order management, invoice processing and
usiness leaders deine success in
no diferent than before the TEM vendor was
by the FCC to ensure that during the
otherwise. Any and all trademark rights associated with the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.
e glo
the it
As an Independent Distributor, A1 Teletronics, Inc. is not afiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted
The global alliance of the it channel
As an Independent Distributor, A1 Teletronics, Inc. is not afiliated with the manufacturers of the products it sells except as expressly noted
otherwise. Any and all trademark rights associated with the manufacturers’ names and products are owned by the respective manufacturers.
inancial terms. The business of
dteiscphunteomloagnyagteramnesnitiaorne amllocnugstthoemcoemrsmreocneive
Change is necessary to improve results and to
telecom management is no different.
generate diferent outcomes in every business
When ixed and mobile telecom services
process; telecom management is no exception.
are delivered for the most effective cost,
To avoid the pitfall of automating or oloading
then inancial success is achieved and the
current state processes that are not yielding
telecom management practice is success-
optimal results in the current state, evaluate
ful. The objective is simple, but execution
everything in your telecom management practice.
against the objective is incredibly com-
Deine and rethink telecom management
plex. Technology changes rapidly, carriers
objectives. Understand current state processes.
reconigure services and rates frequently,
Examine worklow. Review process performance
and service consumption is insatiable. The
against business objectives. Remove process
frequency of change in ixed and mobile
bloat and open-ended processes that do not
telecom environments is the force that
yield eicient or desired results. Leverage the
consistently challenges the goal of optimal
knowledge of experts to challenge and improve
service-to-cost performance.
current telecom management practices.
Control over change is the singular key
he key to success with implementing TEM
to success for every telecom management
is proactively changing and adapting to improve
program. Technical, operational and inan-
results. Automating or oloading current state
cial control enables telecom professionals
processes is a leading cause behind stalled and
to manage effectively and eficiently. The
inefective TEM solutions. Acknowledging this
Nick Davis is a VIP customer genesis of control is a telecom environment
risk and proactively encouraging process change
baseline. A baseline includes all services,
in tandem with your TEM vendor’s services
technology and vendors that comprise the
He prefers to use email
increases performance, productivity and desired
telecom environment. A solid baseline that
business results from your telecom management
has been evaluated and validated improves
And I’m his preferred agent practice.
the ability of telecom management practi-
tioners to identify service waste, optimize
His emails get routed to me
network services and drive unncessesary
cost out of the environment.
I check his contact history Establishing a baseline of resources
Ask the
managing the telecom environment and
Respond to his question promptly the processes that guide worklow is also
Telecom Pro
necessary. Optimizing the methods of man-
Give him the VIP treatment aging the telecom environment and the
structure of the organization improves ser-
Makes him happy
vice delivery ability, increases operational
eficiency, and improves the total cost of
How will the Unlocking Consumer
Which makes my job easy
telecom ownership.
Choice and Wireless Competition
The highest level of telecom manage-
Act afect mobile phones and services for my
ment success is achieved when complete
control of the environment is gained. To A:
gain complete control, focus on estab-
Choice accelerates competition and, for
lishing a telecom environment baseline,
the time being, choice of mobile phones
avnadlicdaartrinergs itnhethbe aUsSeliisnhee,rea.nSdigonpetdiminitzoienfgectthe
otencAhungicuastl1a,n20d14o,ptheeralatiwonalalolweslefomremnotsbiloef the
pehnovnireosntombenutnltockiemd,pwrohviceh mineansctihaelypaererfor-
pmoartnacbele. a%cross mobile operators using the same
technology. his means that switching carriers
For more visit
can be performed without the need to change
phones; however, carriers that subsidize device
costs will likely stick to early termination fees or ePquEipRmCenYt buy-out fees if carrier changes occur
before the end of the subsidy term. his law also
Continued from page 3
opens up the possibility for device manufacturers
a day, just to see how they were able to
to sell directly to businesses and consumers,
slowly turn sand into a majestic castle was
which may lead to favorable volume equipment
or those that attended, the session F
recordings will be available at: www.enter-
coInsnCeEcNt.cToRmEX/osrtlialnl adoviabYleoseur’vllicer?eceive prise
Aan e:
mail with log-in credentials to access
the recoYreds.inCgEsN. TREX is still widely used and
e’dveplaolyreda;dhyowsetavertr,emd apnlyacnanrirniegrsfaorre our
pErnomteorptirnigsetraCnosintinoencto2v0o1ic5e opvaertiIcPiapnadtioSInP and
sheorvpiecetsothsaetearyeomuoartetchoestevfenctivtoeoto. s%upport
and ofer greater lexibility.
You can keep the conversation going with Alan on Twitter
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